Broadcast Highlights 20171209
Cheng Da and her son Cheng Lan in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
Broadcast Highlights 20171209
Cheng Da and her son Cheng Lan in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
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Absolutely heart-melting! 🐼💕 Watching the panda keeper reunite the baby cub with its mom is the cutest thing I've seen today! 🥺💖
A little privacy Pleaseeee!
Took him to corner for privacy and protection.. She was checking her baby😍
Mama 🐼 is like “Where have you been?!!”
So cute baby 🐥.
I just really wonder why the cleaning person was just swinging around the hose, what was she actually doing with the hose in the beginning..?
It's sooo darn cute ❤
She could Care Less about this little baby, or ANY ANIMAL for that matter !
No talking to them, no pets, no cuddles, No NOTHING !!!
A HEARTLESS HUMAN !! Fire her !!
Poor Animals 😪😭😪😭🙏💜💜
The fact that they both knew to just pass him through the bars means that this has happened before
Obsessed with how the baby's lil feet stick out from under her when she sits down 😭😭😭
Her mom, not his mom…
So what happened she was eating it ? 😂😂😂
Both women were in tune with each other. lol
The caretaker: again?
Mama: push him back in, he’s grounded this time.
They shouldn't be in that cage to beginning with
I find it really depressing to see Panda's being confined in concrete jail cells. Is that really the best they can offer them?
Mama panda be like, "Hey Xishin, can you put Po back in the cage?"
Its mom not mum!
Poor baby panda got eaten.
Mumma panda: Your sneaky little brat!!! GET OVER HERE!!!!!
Panda mama took the baby like " you naughty child" 😂
Back in 1992, I visited the Chengdu zoo and saw their pandas. It was the saddest thing I ever saw. Cement cages with bars, with their yard much of the same with two bare-leaved trees added for them to climb. There was absolutely no attempt to create them a comfortable ecosystem. They were caged prisoners. I see nothing cute or funny about any of this.
I don't believe in animal prisons.
Pandas are even cute from the back.
Sad bare cage for them
Mama trusts the keeper! So cute!
These pandas aren't living, they are existing in a cold barren cage, and for what?
Love how the mother drags him by the ear. Like a naughty child pulled by the ear by his mother and getting a lecture
Looks awfully boring in that cage
Sadly pandaminium has no6hingto do with pandas