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About the Author: pandapia HD


  1. Absolutely heart-melting! 🐼💕 Watching the panda keeper reunite the baby cub with its mom is the cutest thing I've seen today! 🥺💖

  2. I just really wonder why the cleaning person was just swinging around the hose, what was she actually doing with the hose in the beginning..?

  3. She could Care Less about this little baby, or ANY ANIMAL for that matter !
    No talking to them, no pets, no cuddles, No NOTHING !!!
    A HEARTLESS HUMAN !! Fire her !!
    Poor Animals 😪😭😪😭🙏💜💜

  4. Back in 1992, I visited the Chengdu zoo and saw their pandas. It was the saddest thing I ever saw. Cement cages with bars, with their yard much of the same with two bare-leaved trees added for them to climb. There was absolutely no attempt to create them a comfortable ecosystem. They were caged prisoners. I see nothing cute or funny about any of this.

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