These are the top 8 SCARIEST ghost videos I could find! In this scary video you can expect to see ghosts, poltergeist activity, and terrifying shadow figures. Viewing in the dark is preferred… if you’re brave enough. Watch closely and try to come to your own conclusions. As always if you think you have any explanation for anything you just witnessed please put it in a comment below.
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Want to submit a scary video? Send it to: fearsometop5contact@gmail.com
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Check out my last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jts7gQa8Nw&t=166s
Check out another video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9q7JNF8KXk&t=720s
This video was scripted, voiced over, edited, & completely produced by me 🙂
Business inquiries: FearsomeTop5@algebramedia.com
Intro: 0:00
Number 1: 0:13
Number 2: 12:55
Number 3: 13:56
Number 4: 15:16
Number 5: 16:20
Number 6: 17:24
Number 7: 18:35
Number 8: 24:55
I hope y'all are ready to get creepy 😈These videos truly creeped me out so let me know what ya think! Annnd feel free to subscribe if you're not already 😉
dude your house has so manny doors facing each other creating a portal
Hey bro. Is there any other word you know, bro ? I’m sure the spirit isn’t your brother.
Ok at number 7 that was some freaky shit right there, that black shadowy figure that just appeared really freaked me out me man.
Interacting and asking a spirit to do things is not a good idea, it's fun at first but can lead to a nightmare situation
I watched the whole of Ians investigation of the baraboo inn! It was insane!
Demons often present as children to make people see them as less of a threat!
Get rid of those dam dolls
I have unsubscribe as all these videos are months old and repeats
That last one was such a low quality fake it ruined your video
Samo zna rec yooo makni to sto prije😮
I ja volim paranormalno ali zasto uz malo djete skupljati to😮 lutke koje su uklete😮
Bobby's clip, when ball rolled think the switch keeps going on n off…
Start getting rid of everything.
Contrary to the movie, Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann doll….. just FYI
In Ian's video, when he's in the basement, right after he goes down the steps and talks about his anxiety, does anyone see what looks like a "Rake", walk right behind him. You can even see it's eyeshine! I may be wrong but it sure looks like it
No 1: Buddy, lay off the drugs.
Why do people think that MidwestGhost Hunter is even a legit channel? Fake ass garbage.
Poor guy his house is so haunted. 🥺Meanwhile i would toss that doll in the fire🤣🤣👍🏻. Come on youtube, this channel deserves millions of subscribers. It is quality creativeness.
Well dont tell it to do things…. don't mess with it… leave it alone…the more you mess with it the more it gets violent..not joking about it..
Btw… that music you're using as number 2 starts… really good.