Dog becomes friends with the UPS delivery guy! 🤩❤️ – 🎥 Viralhog

Dog becomes friends with the UPS delivery guy! 🤩❤️  -  🎥 Viralhog
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  1. You gotta just commit to being friendly when you get surprised that close.
    Can’t out run it and running triggers prey instinct in hunting, terrier, retriever, protection breeds.
    But also look at that butt wiggling second doggo sees someone. Like oh I’m on watch but you smell like friend.

  2. He better come with some treats next time. Doggy greeted him with a little too much excitement not to get a lil something to chew you know 😂

  3. Этот смех в конце говорит о том кто хозяин положения.
    Мужчина действительно испугался в начале собаки, но будучи разумным существом её обхитрил, показав будто бы нисколько её не боится

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