Unfortunately, animals have a knack for putting themselves in dangerous situations. Because they are constantly in search of food, they often end up in undesirable places. If you want to see what happens when animals get too close to electric power, sit tight, because it’s shocking, so let’s get started.
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Flying Fox
The flying foxes are enormous bats, with the largest wingspan of any bat, so it’s no surprise that the flying fox in our first video got stuck in some power lines and paid the price with its life. The bat can be seen hanging from the cable upside down. The people in this video are trying to rescue a flying fox cub after its mother was electrocuted on power lines.
Many flying foxes are killed this way and unfortunately, some have their babies with them when it happens, just like the one in this video. More bats can be seen dead after enduring powerful shocks when coming in contact with power lines. Some fall to the ground and others are seen hanging on the power lines.
This wild cat stands right below an electric fence and the second he makes contact with the fence; he scrams out of there. This curious cat jumps on some sort of electrical transformer and everything seems to be fine until the cat touches something and is shocked to death. He can be seen collapsing to the ground half a second after it is zapped. A curious cat that climbed up an electric pole was zapped and killed in this video. You can see it falling to the ground after the shock.
A cat sits at the top of an electric pole when he suddenly makes a back flip and falls into the crane that’s trying to help him out. As the crane operator begins to lower the crane, the cat jumps out onto the roof and vanishes. Hence, I’m not sure if the backflip was caused by a shock, or if the cat just wanted to impress onlookers. However, I’m thinking, if it was a shock, the cat would not have jumped on the roof that way.
I am very glad, that author explains to stupid Americans, what they can see…
That was fun to watch
I know it sounded funny when the baby horse got shocked but it's not actually funny it had no idea that electric fence was going to shock it but I guess you know laughing is involuntary and sometimes we can't help but we laugh about he also got to live love and laugh if you're going to be happy and healthier I didn't think it was funny at first but now I can see why she laughed
Nice 😂
Cat doing back flip was probably shocked. Sometimes when shocked your muscles tight up. So cat front paws could have locked up not wanting to let go of wire resulting in what happened.
Its definately not their fault. Its ours!
Crap monetary
Growing up I was always told that you don't pee on an electric fence. Word.
His choice of words is hilarious 🤣.
Not an flying fox thats a bat
Животные лучше людей. Их всегда жалко.
9:10 😢
Typical that power lines are placed where wildlife is likely to be killed or at least badly injured No so much a great laugh but worthy of an insistence , underground be used .Obvious that for many it's no big deal
I can't..😒
9:25 I can't be the only one that started singing in my head
"Don't wizz on the electric fence" 😂🤣
I got shocked by the horse fence, will never touch that again.
And now we know why you made this video: "And I saw him decompose outside my window over the following months…"
maybe for bears ad an an alarm so they get scared even more. The cow did not die u changed the camea angle and we saw the animal get draged away while still alive thats wy his muscles where spaseming.
We kids who were raised around the country with animals we know all about the electric fences. Even at 5 i knew what to stay away from . But thet are very annoying. When our fence would go down , like if a branch fell on it, we'd have to walk the whole 40 acres to find the spot. I really hated that
товарищ рассказивал—- он служил в прибалтике — охранял стратегические ракети ——– по периметру — била мелкая сетка и еще проволока —– мелкие зверюшки кунички если касались сетки под напряжением 5000 тисяч вольт только нос обжигали и умирали а бивало что лось рвал и проволоку и сетку и тоже погибал от поражения током—- часто приходилось ремонтировать и сетку и проволочное ограждение
Those big bats hanging from those powerlines was crazy to see
Cooked fried & roasted 😂
At 6:38. She did get zapped. Look at the way she reacts and her arm as she is running away.
this video is probably best watched with the sound muted. the narrator may as well be a 6 year old
The guy that invented the electric fence explained that he got sick of his horse rubbing its bum on his car, made a hell of a mess…so wired a magneto to the body of the car..he said that from then on, after he got his horse back from a neighbor, if the car was parked by the house, the horse would not go around that side of the house..and just peered around the corner at it..very suspiciously. He knew he had a good invention☺
Little monkey at 2:00 knew exactly what he was doing…
This narrator is a bit sick in the head.
I have been shocked by thousands of volts at least 3 times. The first 2 while pulling the spark plug wires off of a runaway motorcycle engine and another rime from an electric fence. It is unbelievable pain. And to the person narrating this IT IS NOT A SMALL SHOCK!
17. Humans
5:49 was that supposed to be funny?
Электро изгородь не убивает, а только отпугивает.
Мощность её источника питания – единицы ватт, ток миллиамперы.
Линия электропередач – убивает, её проходящая мощность – десятки и сотни киловатт, ток десятки ампер.
What is the speed of an electric shock, imagine if You could move quicker than it's current
Well why Not use this on our open border??
That fruit bat had a little baby with her. Really sad😢😢
It's not a crane it's a ladder numb nuts.
7:15 the mountains of South Carolina I live in SC there’s no mountains bro there down the road in NC in Boone yah kno Appalachia
2:48 looks like Biden
Man, that is so funny. Thank You !!!
Your stupid comments made me look at something else..
If they keep risking their lives without knowing it why don't you teach them little Sumbeyotchs?