Reviewing the ghostly apparitions I caught on video.
In this video I review 2 apparitions I noticed on part 18. One is the apparition of the shadowy figure moving across my room and the other a ghostly arm that lifts my coat from its place. This are unusual and somewhats scary to see but at the same time exciting as this kind of footage is rare.
Real Paranormal Activity Caught on Video
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I have been haunted since late 2010. My channel is a paranormal video diary dedicated to the unusual supernatural events that have occurred to me since that time. Paranormal Activity has become almost an everyday occurrence for me since this began and with it my interest in ghosts, demons and poltergeist activity has grown. I have invested in ghost hunting equipment to help my investigations leading to some extremely profound paranormal footage.
you can put a circle anywhere on a screen and say "GHOST ON CAMEA"
that ghost is an a hole
I didn't think I could see it @ first but if you look at the screen like just sort of focus on the center of the the screen & keep your eyes set as if you are watching almost from your peripheral vision,, that's where I could see it. @first I was getting the name Michael, but remembered that's your name & so as I originally thought it is calling you out…I truly believe because you've given it this much attention. It has progressed more & more…I pitty the net person who moves in after you.Because I think it sorta' likes you & that you are giving it attention, but just be careful. The minute you stop or you move somewhere else, it could get mad. & If you move & it doesn't go w/you than the next people are probably going to have a movie made about them. God Bless you~
Gotta love these BS ghost videos that use the same copycat methods lol…. Atleast do something original besides the same old moving and throwing stuff.
It’s draining your energy you can see it in your face
But slow was the coat
I saw only at 400% speep.. When reflection feead to wall
Bullshit 10ft. high!
Hello from Canada, a new app for your phone is called Necrophonics from google play store, will cost you about 10 euros, this new app does not have any pre conceived words, only has sounds used to form words, and its got the top rating of alot of american ghost hunters and paranormal teams. it does not have the scanning sounds of a radio looking for chanels, which is a great plus….it is a clear sound manipulated by the entities to produce words that you can understand in your own language …English, French, spanish, and a few others….if you do use it, you should arm yourself before hand with a few prayers asking for protection, because, it is said, that this app is just like a OuiJa board and can allow entities to enter and attach themselves to you , just like the one you have attached to yourself allready from your old place, . Ok now a bit of advice, from what i have watched from your broadcasts, it would seem to me that this entity is like you said a guardian angel, but keep in mind that sometimes Demons will ack nicely at first, to try and get your trust, once they have it, they will use it to posses you., If that happens you will never know it, but your close friends will see a big difference in your attitude and general behavior, if that happens then you will need a exorcism produced on you, by a professional or by the catholic church specialized priests in demonic interventions, here in Canada it is Free, in your country ??
Lastly, this entity gets restless so I would try to keep it busy, doing stuff, plus Me I would give it a name, and try and see if it could be my friend and or buddy, give it a pencil, and ask buddy to write you his story be good or bad you really want to get to know him and i am sure that it can write , just dont forget to tell him to write in English if possible, Anyway your a smart kid, and I wish you the best of luck with your new Buddy. you can reach me at oneilljohn4646@gmail.com if you have anymore questions on this subject, I am not a professional , but i have watched all the youtube videos on the subject, ok Bye
Ah yes. Totally real
There is a poltergeist cat at my parents house. My mother thinks that it is a demon. But I wonder if we are just inhaling mold.
the ghosts of christmas past
I caught the 2nd one instantly before anything else started in the video. Then the right eye (one closest to the floor) seems to dim for a bit like squinting with the noise behind it, then went back to bright. I thought perhaps it was a reflection from some Christmas decorations or something that we cant see on other side of room behind the camera or ceiling. Also thought maybe it was the reflective on the jacket on the railing, but after that fell it was still there. Especially after the table had been slid over. The first one I didnt see it until you pointed it out and it was so vague, am surprised you caught it.
Also I can relate because I have seen it with my own eyes. I was 15 the first time. It was at a friends house and we left right away in the middle of the night and I never went back. We were home alone and listening to music and doing girly stuff in the living room and there was a very loud bang/crash coming from the kitchen. There was an inside door which led to a landing to the basement stairs and also to the carport. It had been opened with such a force it took off much of the the door frame. She turned on the landing light and made me go first and have a look.
The side door was still closed and locked. I was freaking because the stairs were open slats and didnt want anything grabbing me. So I went down about 3 steps then looked through the railing and he was over at a table (workshop) in the far corner and then turned to look at me. He didnt appear to be anything but human at first then I realized I could see some items on the bench through parts of him. I was out that side door in a split second with my friend right behind me. I ran for maybe 10 minutes before I stopped and told her what I saw. They moved ASAP and eventually put the house up for sale. It was her father who had past away 2 yrs before and I never met him and didnt know who he was, not even from pictures. It was a yr later when she showed me a photo album that I saw his picture and told her it was him. Her BF who was sitting with us freaked and said he had seen him many times at the other house, but always thought he was dreaming. Her dad was apparently a very strict, mean, absent father who was always off doing things for himself. He was killed in an accident while with his buddies and his body was not recovered for 5 months. I can still feel it now like it was yesterday, always gives me the chills.
Great vids (yes I am yrs late but better late then never) and am looking forward to watching the rest. Stay safe!
Okay. I think this actually looks very real . Very much because of the refelction in the glass table you can clearly see something but it is to unclear to identify the creature. I have seen a couple of these ghost apparition video's and I must say this one looks like one of the realest ones I have ever watched on youtube . Normally I don't really believe these sort of things but this one I might believe because otherwise it would be very hard to explain what happened in this video. Because last week a youtuber that visits haunted places visited a hountedd house and he got exposed for faking his videos, he left a part in his video where he tells his friend to open the door at an exact moment and then he had to scream. His friend did this to early however and so this youtuber got exposed for makig these fake videos and therefore he explained that it was a "prank" but everyone knew he was obviously lying to everyone who watched his videos. Therefore I am very critical about these videos. Also with most of these videos you could come up with an explanation but with this one it is indeed very hard to explain. I also don't know if this is a ghost or a demon or a spirit or something else. But I do think these videos are very exciting to watch because I think there are other things then just humans in this world. There is too much proof with all these videos and I think there are a coule fake ones but not all are fake because there is no way you can explain them. I think there is a lot of things we haven't discovered and I find that very cool that there are other things amonst us. I don't know why this ghost/spirit/demon would throw those things on the ground. Maybe to let the person living there know he is not alone. Or he just doesn't like Christmas because of the Christmas tree. This is still unclear as too why it did that. I do hope we could ever be able to communicate with these ghosts/spirits/demons. I would ask them why they are here and how they are here and why they terrorize certain people. I also very much believe not all of these ghosts/spirits/demons are evil and want to hurt us . Well maybe except for the demons. So yes my final decision/point I wan't to make is that I do believe there are other things amongst us other then humans and animals. And I do think that some of these videos are real and I find that pretty cool. Maybe not anymore if and when I encounter one off these ghots/spirits myself.
it's just the ghosts of Christmas Past
the trick of the trasparent Threads always works.
people will do anything for views now a days lol
I honestly saw absolutely nothing and I'm sort of glad.
You talk too much, stop talk and let the people see the apparition, when you die you show yourself thats ok
Careful,that's a poltergeist,It can posess you so good luck.
The second "apparition" isn't an apparition at all. It is the reflection of the jacket falling.
That’s not an apparition
U paranormal investigator?
i have a feeling that you have two spirits connected to you. One has an evil intention and I'm pretty sure that it is the shadowy figure, the second one is the communicative white orb, i'm pretty sure this one is a really nice ghost and is trying to protect you from the shadow entity.
Dude. Give it up. These are so old and fake. Use video editing skills for making a movie or something. Stop trying to fake people out like a con man
Spirits that are destructive are not necessarily evil. Sometimes they are just confused and scared, sometimes not even aware that they are "dead." They will try to get our attention by throwing things. I have done some ghost busting on occasion, and have witnessed ceiling fans and radios turn on by themselves, saw images of the ghosts reflected in a mirror, and much more. I would talk to the ghosts and escort them into the light, gently explaining that they were dead and needed to look around for a doorway of light. Most of them successfully left, except for one gentleman who explained to me (I'm clairaudient) that he wanted to stay in the house, but wanted his own chair where he could look out the window at the beautiful scenery. The homeowners complied, and never had any problems with him again. I grew up in a haunted house, and have had several hauntings in other residences, the most notable being one afternoon when my roommate and I were standing in the living room talking about the male ghost who wore a blue shirt, who'd haunted us both on several occasions. At that moment, a large, heavy glass hanging lamp began swinging violently from side to side. We just smiled. It's all really kind of cool. I'd be more afraid of a living person walking into my house unannounced. 👻
This is amazing!
That is a great catch…
Looks like the coat to me.
I don't see anything in the circle.