She Was Surprised By This Kind-hearted Woman’s Kindness

She Was Surprised By This Kind-hearted Woman's Kindness
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She Was Surprised By This Kind-hearted Woman’s Kindness

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In the dark night, the paralyzed puppy was discarded too poorly. She was thrown over a fence, tied in a bag and lying on a chair. Oh my god! She was still alive but could not get out of the bag. Puppy is in pain, helpless and hopeless.

Special thanks to rescuer:

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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. She never stopped staring into the ladys eye while she was being washed. 😢I’m so happy she was adopted. She having the life she deserves, like all dogs deserve. ♥️.

  2. Как же она счастлива!!! 😊😊😊 Пусть это будет длиться до конца её долгой жизни с её любящими родителями ❤❤❤

  3. As terrible a thing as leaving a sweet angel behind like that is… BUT clearly the little dog was loved enough that they packed him in warm comfy straw and a bag to keep the little fella safe. Whoever left him knew someone would find him and care for him. This type of abandonment makes me almost as sad for the people as I do for the sweet angel.😢

  4. Come di può gettare un angioletto nelle immondizie!
    Fortuna che un'ANIMA BELLA e SPECIALE è sempre in agguato per soccorrere queste creature innocenti.
    Un GRAZIE SPECIALE alla famiglia che le darà tutto l'AMORE che non ha avuto prima, ma di più. Lunga vita, Rita! GRAZIE! GRAZIE! GRAZIE 😇😘❤

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