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A closet, a water slide, a fridge, and a stegosaurus. You might think it’s a random mix of words. Nope. These are all places that became traps for someone. I never considered myself claustrophobic, but when I was making this video, I was shocked at how easy it is to accidentally get stuck in some enclosed space and end up dead. So, before you watch, I gotta warn you: be careful! ‘Cause after this video, claustrophobia might just creep up on you too…
Some of the sources I used:
1. https://people.com/human-interest/arizona-emergency-crews-remove-body-found-stuck-inside-theme-park-waterslide/
2. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/01/14/missing-ohio-child-harley-dilly-found-dead-chimney/4466845002/
3. https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Media/Newsletters/Criminal-Justice-Update/Summer-Fall-2020/The-Harley-Dilly-search-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly
4. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2004/nov/09/2
5. https://www.thefreelibrary.com/MAN+DIES+AFTER+WEEK+TRAPPED+IN+A+CUPBOARD%3B+Inquiry+is+told+of…-a0124328095
6. https://nypost.com/2019/08/22/video-shows-moment-man-crushed-by-elevator-at-manhattan-promenade-building/
7. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/26909794/caribbean-cruise-workers-boiled-to-death-holland-america/
This video was made only for educational purposes, viewer discretion is advised.
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I’m gonna have nightmares about this now😰😭
Bro I’m scared to do this now are y’all like if so omg
Class-tra-fobia? I didn't know claustrophobia was class-related!!
Why is this titled part 3 when there are no previous parts?
I'm scared of elevators cuz i heard that they can free-fall.
The elevator one for some reason reminds me of that scene from Wall-E where the Main Character gets crushed by the device that requires the plant in order to take the ship back to Earth.
He can't say claustrophobia properly. lol
3:11 is that Matt rose??
Yes. Elevators still spook me. 😅
Elevators. Every time there's a little bump or sound my heart stops, I think yeah I'm about to fall to my death. EVERY. DAMN. TIME
5:19 for people not understanding why he stopped, the blood got to his brain because he was upside down for too long so he died
"greedily sucking air" buzz off dude, it's not greedy to try and breathe
If someone dies and their body is inverted or face-down and they remain in that position, they don’t look human when they’re discovered.
Lol…Imagine getting locked inside a ATM machine 😭
rlly underrated channel
Smooth transition into the sponsor. Quality content as always.
I have a fridge and a wall with about 6 inches of room and I can squees in there without trouble, but geting out is harder than geting in.
If the young fellow who was autistic, he may have self soothed by getting himself into a place where he was held firmly. He may have claimed into the space and immediately felt better. It would have felt safe like a hug would in a nuerotypical person. It would only later that he may have realised he couldn't get out or may have relaxed and mistook the sleepyness as a sign of the relaxation he was looking for. An autistic woman in America self soothed in a cattle press which had especially adapted to be operated by her so she could release herself when she wanted. At night I used to often wiggle down into a space between my bed and the wall. It's not the same as a chimney but it's the same need to feel safe.
this dude hops RIGHT into the action lol. "FROM ALL SIDES, RONALD WAS CRUSHED" are the first 6 words. i appreciate the no bs, straight to business mode.
The elevator one where half of his body ripped off, the pain before death is unimaginable
the one stuck in the atm has to be fake,im confused how he can send letters out a hole but not sound
Thanks for this video, but mostly pronouce the years as twenty and not two thousand, except for 2004 where you use twothousend, in the years gone by we never used nineteen nine hundred and seventy or or ninty nine hundred and ninety nine
In my line of work, (paramedic) I sometimes have to squeeze into tight spots to reach patients.
I’m sent in due to me being child sized. I fit easily where regular people won’t.
I once spent 36 hours underground in front of a patient who was stuck. (Never squeezing myself through a crack 15 inches in diameter, again.)
I was very happy to be outside again.
During those 36 hours, digging was going on. My job was to keep an eye on the patient’s status and keep them calm.
Besides underground, I’ve squeezed under a train, and into numerous mangled wrecks.
My friend got stuck in a toilet in the park he fall inside and got stuck it was a lonely park so he got stuck pretty good
Harley dilly wanted to skip school
Being trapped and not being able to move freely is one of my biggest nightmares! I can handle small rooms, but if I cant move my arms or fresh air is limited I panic. Nope nope nope.
I rock wit dis Channel just Subscribed homie 💪🏾👊🏾🔥🔥
I prefer stairs because I was stuck in a elevator before
False title.
I think this is one of your best! The flow, variety, and relatability brought it all together really well. Thank you for all the stories you bring to us!
The last guy really did have CLASStrophobia
It happened roughly 13 years ago but here in Bakersfield (Cali) my niece’s pediatrician tried to get into a house through Chimney, got stuck and eventually died. I think it was within few days when her body was found.
I'm surprised Mary Cerruti being stuck in a wall didn't make the video.
Either way. Great video. So creepy, getting stuck in tight spaces.
I Was in the closet for 18 years
the first one why wouldn't they make sure everyone was out before shutting the doors
Its pronounced Claw-strophobia.
The thought of realising that you've just messed up really badly in a situation like the guy in the dinosaur is terrifying.
To be upside-down unable to effectively move, certainly unable to escape and the knowledge that there's no one there to help you and nor will there be for some time.
Imagine the panic that would set in, the fear and desperation flooding your system all at once.
Chilling. 😱
What about the John Jones Nutty Putty Caves story
The last video about the little boy in Port Clinton, OH is only about 15mins away from my hometown (Sandusky). That story never, & still doesn't sit right with me 🤔😮💨
I’m scared of elevators and I don’t care if it’s extra work getting where I need to be I will take the stairs
I’ve always been claustrophobic but it’s gotten worse as I’ve become older. Even going under my bed to plug something in I get panicky. And now even blankets over my head stresses me out but I recently found out why it’s getting so bad.
I have low lung capacity, 32% lung function to be exact so 1/3 of 1 lung working. People with lung issues often become claustrophobic as their lungs get worse which is interesting and I think it’s true but as I’ve declined in health it’s gotten worse that it’s getting ridiculous. My body is showing fear of suffocation I guess
I can deal with confined spaces but if I can’t move my limbs or change positions, that would trigger my panic. I occasionally have nightmares like that so not going to take up caving anytime soon
CLASStraphobia 😂😂😂
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