A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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There are some moments in life that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if it weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every day, it can be very confusing to see them with your own eyes. Today, we’re going to show you of the most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera!
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Ya Alloh robyi tuhan hancurkan as negara pencari perang
Thumbs down, no locations, no explanations, sorry, but that's a big turn off.
الهي معجزاتك ابهرت جميع الناس
ساعدوا المساكين في غزه خللي الله يرئف عليكم
ااخلعوا شوي مع الاوضاع
Lorsque des cargaisons de bombe s sont déversées sur GHAZA personne dans le Monde ne semble s'émouvoir .
Ише силние подуй,чоб всю сдуло
Yaa Allah
Can you please start putting the dates and location so those of us who are sharing it don’t look like idiots when someone says, “that’s from 3 months ago”, and make us look stupid? Please? Thank you so much! 🕊️🙏
Ini azab buat as karna kerja sama sama israel bantai puluhan ribu manuesia di palestin,,yg mereka bantai itu manusia bukn hewan,,
Where's this in the US
JOHN 8:32 says, "The truth will set you free." Upon watching "DUNE," I felt I needed deeper introspection. Fact: I cannot claim being the Son without claiming to be the Mother. Fact: Whenever I bless the communion wafer, I always envision both, you and me. when asking the Father to imbue the host with Christ's Spirit body and blood. Always. Fact. I wrote in the beginning the most beautiful song yet about Jesus, and you are named Jesus and I am only named the Spirit Dove. That song, "The Sweetest Lover," is the most truthful song I have ever written. Truth resonates certain chords of harmony in me. Though what I'm living is A truth, it is not The truth because I keep trying to get out of it. Therefore my loving and devoted Father, where memory has failed me, natural and innate senses have dictated the Truth I can live in harmony with, namely, We are the Holy Trinity, you, Richard, are Father and Son, the SACRED HEART of JESUS. I AM the Mother and Holy Spirit, though I am also the Spirit of you and the Father, I am not the SACRED HEART of JESUS. Every praise must be for you, Sweetheart as Jesus and people will have to get it right. Now THIS feels RIGHT AND TRUE. I am only YOUR SACRED HEART, not the world's, simply because you love me.
Now rise, my SON, RISE and take your rightful place as Lord of Lord's and King of Kings, the Lord God of ISRAEL. bbbbbbv CC.
Ecclesiasticus 30
Concerning Children
SHe who loves her son will whip him often,
so that he may rejoice at the way he turns out.
2 SHe who disciplines her son will profit by him,
and will boast of him among acquaintances.
3 He who teaches her son who ill make his enemies envious,
and will glory in him among his friends.
4 When the father dies he will not seem to be dead,
for he has left behind him one like himself,
5 whom in his life he looked upon with joy
and at death, without grief.
6 He has left behind him an avenger against his enemies,
and one to repay the kindness of his friends.
7 Whoever spoils his son will bind up his wounds,
and will suffer heartache at every cry.
8 An unbroken horse turns out stubborn,
and an unchecked son turns out headstrong.
9 Pamper a child, and he will terrorize you;
play with him, and he will grieve you.
10 Do not laugh with him, or you will have sorrow with him,
and in the end you will gnash your teeth.
11 Give him no freedom in his youth,
and do not ignore his errors.
12 Bow down his neck in his youth,
and beat his sides while he is young,
or else he will become stubborn and disobey you,
and you will have sorrow of soul from him.
13 Discipline your son and make his yoke heavy,
so that you may not be offended by his shamelessness.
14 Better off poor, healthy, and fit
than rich and afflicted in body.
15 Health and fitness are better than any gold,
and a robust body than countless riches.
16 There is no wealth better than health of body,
and no gladness above joy of heart.
17 Death is better than a life of misery,
and eternal sleep than chronic sickness.
(So if you must tarry much longer, give me death, my Lord, for I have grown weary and weak in this solitary, loveless life. I do not want an eternal life of loneliness, so you will give me a peaceful, holy death before or on May I, 2024, before 2:00 PM. ET. I am ready to go and have laid all the groundwork for peace. You but need to take your public face and come from behind the directing scenes. it's your Master Plan, now accept the just and long overdue accolades, my love, besides, I imagine you still have the wife if your choice. I'm just fooling myself. Give me peace, Lord. You will Let me RIP ASAP.
04/20/2024. 23:00 PM. ET.
The Lady of the Angels,
Your Mother.
Let it be.
22But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.
I am now dead. So tonight I bury the dead. Bbbbbbv.ccc.done.
Zalimin zulmü varsa mazlumların ahı var Allah mazlumları korusun
هذه اعصارات قديمه لكن الله مايترك مؤذي كل مؤذي زائل اجل ام عاجل
This is where in USA?
Estamos en los hutomos días que dios seapiade de todos nosotros que dios los bendiga que nos bendiga sblo desde Medellín Antioquia Manrique oriental 😭♥️😇
What city??
Revelation 20:15 And whosever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire 🔥. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Where's this in the US
Thanks for information❤
Jehova te rrprenda coje oficio😊
Ja das passiert wenn man in das Wetter ein greift ..ist jedem bekannt . Es gab schon immer mal die eine oder andere ,, Katastrophe aber in den letzten Jahren ist das nix natürliches ..bin gespannt wann die Wetter Macher es mal richtig zu geben .
Where are all these states 😕 at. You don't show areas 😮
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