5 Massive Landslides Caught On Camera – Natural Disasters Caught On Camera Around The World.

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5 Massive Landslides Caught On Camera – Natural Disasters Caught On Camera Around The World.

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Witness the raw power of nature in this compilation of 5 MASSIVE LANDSLIDES CAUGHT ON CAMERA! These incredible moments showcase the destructive force of landslides, triggered by earthquakes, storms, and even human intervention.

From towering mountains to bustling construction sites, no place is immune to these devastating natural disasters. See how rocks, mud, and debris unleash chaos, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. ⚠️

This video is a stark reminder of the power of our planet and the importance of understanding and preparing for natural disasters. #NaturalDisasters #Landslides #CaughtOnCamera #nature2024


00:50 Monsoon rains caused a major landslide disaster in a village in the mountains of India, and houses became floating on the water like ships.
03:16 A huge landslide buried a section of the road, terrifying people who witnessed the disaster in china.
04:41 The house that collapsed in front of the Camera man due to floods in Spain.
06:04 Heavy rains in La Paz, Bolivia, caused a landslide destroying 66 homes and displacing 88 families.
08:11 the monsoon season unleashed its wrath upon the land, triggering landslides that scarred the valleys and claimed lives in nepal.

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– Our content provides recent natural disasters 2024 occurrences and current weather conditions worldwide like: earthquake, tsunami, storm, flood,

We use under: Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “fair use” is allowed for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.

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About the Author: Under Sphere


  1. 5 Massive Landslides Caught On Camera- Natural Disasters Caught On Camera Around The World.


    00:50 Monsoon rains caused a major landslide disaster in a village in the mountains of India, and houses became floating on the water like ships.

    03:16 A huge landslide buried a section of the road, terrifying people who witnessed the disaster in china.

    04:41 The house that collapsed in front of the Camera man due to floods in Spain.

    06:04 Heavy rains in La Paz, Bolivia, caused a landslide destroying 66 homes and displacing 88 families.

    08:11 the monsoon season unleashed its wrath upon the land, triggering landslides that scarred the valleys and claimed lives in nepal.

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