Hero rescues chained deer 👏❤️
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Thank you. God be praised for the rescue of this beautiful creature.
👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽nice upload
Awesome my man! Thanks for your bravery in helping that deer! Much respect! ❤
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Nice Thing to do Rescuing that Lovley Buck will the Buck rambert what you done and return to you
Danke für die Rettung ❤❤❤ Dieser Hirsch wird dich nie vergessen…
He's hyperventilating, due to all the stress, this man was an Angel 😇
thank you detective
That was sad, but beautiful at same time. Thank you for your kind heart in helping this beautiful animal.❤
A very courageous man, indeed ! 💚
And he cut the chain in the right places so the buck wasn't dragging any around. Yes that was a very brave thing to do…..
Yes. It is really uplifting to see the great length the man went to see all strands of the chain were removed. By doing this he certainly risked his own safety.
Thank you Kind hearted souls ❤❤❤❤
Thank you bro❤
Those horns plays a sick joke with these animals lives put them in great danger and causes them terrible suffering and death, what good are they if they’re causing all these suffering?…
Beautiful Beautiful Animal! And what a Hero! God Bless You Sir! You are a True Hero! Thanks for Caring ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you ❤️🇺🇸💛💜💜
Thank you
The buck seemed to shake his tail with happiness at the end of the video. Thanks for helping him!
Thank you ❗️🇺🇸