Riona’s hero truly is Mallory. Her dedicated 24-hour love and care are what have saved Riona. And it shows how loving this sweet dog is despite what has happened to her. She is healing beautifully. Riona is on the right track on her long road of recovery, and her spirits are high. She truly is an inspiration to us all.
We are incredibly grateful for the help of everyone and every donation in giving Riona a second chance.
Amazing Dog Rescue Stories:
Rescue of Abandoned Dogs:
Dog’s Amazing Transformations:
Kitten Rescue Stories:
Special thanks to
Tails of Hope Dog Rescue
Love animal please pass it on #PawsInNeed #animals #dog #cat #kitten #puppy #shorts
Oh Jesus take the wheel prsyin for you ilove fogs
What a beauty!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
What a sad act for a little puppy 😢😢💔💔😢😢
Who tf does that 😢😢
Pessoas más exitem mas o bem sempre vence. Obrigada ANJOS por salvarem e amarem mais uma LINDA VIDA. ❤❤❤
People are monsters…Thank you dor rescuing this poor soul❤
God bless those caring for Riona
Le. Chien 🐕 a. Le. Goût. De vivre
Ug! I hate ppl. Then I remember all the ones who help her heal. Poor baby!
Prayer to the puppy and to her new family❤
I hope they catch whoever did that her. Praying for her recovery. ❤😢
Thank you for saving!!!!!God bless you!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
I hope the person who did this is in jail. God bless you guys for having such a good ❤
Thanks for helping this puppy you are a angel 😇 beautiful puppy ❤❤❤
To me she kinda looks like a little goat baby❤
My heart and prayers got out to her, I wish her a speedy recovery and hope she finds the best forever family.
Dear God there are evil people out there. I pray she makes a full recovery and lives a long and happy life. Let whoever did this get their karma.
Unbelievable cruelty towards animals by mean people. Many thanks to rescuerd helping the poor dog!
I love the beautiful decorations. I pray she does well.❤
Poor Sweet Angel God Bless all you Heroes 💗🙏 That save her. And for the Scum bags who could hurt Any Animals 😡😖 May you get punished for your sins 🙏🙏🙏❤. Wishing you the very best wishes Sweet Angel 😊
My God. My heart 💔💔💔 And she is still so brave and sweet. I hate some people. They will get theirs in HELL!
I really hate people sometimes. We don’t deserve dogs
A hoop you sone better. Danks good people. God bless you.
We are a disgusting species at times
Thank you for saving her 💕
I don't know who did this but God knows!!!
Who could do that?! Someone evil. Bless all of you for taking care of this baby😢
Bless you
Thanks soooo much for your love
Thak you sooo soooo much❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤i❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Was the person responsible arrested and served harsh jail sentence?
Omg thank you so much for help her blessings, Forever❤
Amazing girl 🙏🏻🕊🌷
Why don't we expect the same "kindness" to the former owner?
Is she adoptable???
Why God Why? How cruel to someone can speaks up for themselves.
The capacity for evil in mankind always shocks me. 😢 Thank you for saving this beautiful creature.
Verrrrryyyyy beautiful 🤩
Thank you 🙏 to all the rescuers
Bendiciones hermosa criaturita de Dios, y también a tus rescatistas y protectores🙏🙏🙏
❤❤ mil bendiciones y gracias, a los humanos que la ayudaron y salvaron,👤👥 Dios los cuide y🙏🙏🙏 proteja siempre para que sigan dando el ejemplo.