6 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine

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6 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.

In this episode of 6 scary ghost videos, you will see: 6 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine! These include; A ghost hunter captures a demon on camera while conducting a paranormal investigation inside a haunted house filled with a haunted doll and other haunted objects. A paranormal investigator hunts for ghosts inside an abandoned haunted building where he accidentally films a shadow figure lurking behind him. Urban Explorer Chris from URBEX HILL visits a haunted abandoned school and not only does he capture creepy footage but he manages to catch evidence of ghosts on camera. A mysterious apparition is captured on a home security camera, but is it a real ghost? Terrifying paranormal activity is caught on camera by a man who is being haunted by a dark entity known as “the being that knocks on the door”. This scary TikTok video will send shivers down your spine. Plus more scary things in this weeks episode of 6 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine



00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 6 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine
25:26 – Outro


MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!

6 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine

#scary #ghost #creepy

If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR https://youtu.be/dRKE0xpbt3U

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About the Author: MINDJUNKIE



  2. Your evidence is the only best evidence of paranormal on all channels some video's do keep some people up at 🌙 nights 🌙 I love this content 👌 👏 😀 😄 👍 🤣 keep the content coming as I explained the content is very very GOOD CONTENT
    this is just a thought suggestions American night murrish spelling not 100 percent not spot but no one is perfect though please you lovely people please hit the like button for thumbs up and go and hit the that little subscrib button and the bell beside button and then you will be getting all the love content you'll need

  3. that first video is so obviously his reflection 😂 you can see him holding his phone or whatever device and wearing a hat on backwards LMFAO!! LITERALLY just his reflection 😆😆😆😆😆

  4. With the first video, I completely believe it’s a reflected thermal image of the ghost hunter himself. It looks clearly like a man holding a camera. The surface could reflect heat correct?

  5. The video from Urbex Hill. He correctly recognizes that there is definitely a person in the abandoned building with him. Naturally, he continues to walk towards it… What else could he do? I mean, it's not as if it's better to turn around and leave the stranger alone in this case.

  6. People must remember the only selling point of those gadgets is to find or invent some form of entity if they don't they will simply not sell.

  7. Did you know that your content is being used by The Haunter channel? I'm guessing they didn't seek permission as they didn't credit your channel at all.

  8. I don't understand why people go alone to places that could be dangerous without any weapons or protection just in case shit hits the fan and you need assistance.

  9. If you pause it at eight minutes and three seconds it looks like there’s in the middle seats like there’s people sitting in the middle section I see 123456 people sitting there you can just see their heads is fuzzy all the rest of the chairs or you can see them clearly but if you look in the middle section you can see a bunch of distortion in for them five of them you can kind of make out of a head and shoulders and chest area There’s no reason for those fuzziness is all the other chairs are clear except for in the centre you see a bunch of reparations there even to the left on actually the right on the right side to a lot of activity in this theatre

  10. If you posit at 2:26 you’ll see something is behind them before the shadow person even walks by behind them so there’s more than one entity there there’s something right behind his head as he’s standing there if you pause it at two minutes and 26 seconds

  11. #4 I remember watching this Urbex Hill video on his YouTube page and saw this on other Top 10 Ghost Videos. It's scary as hell.

    #2 moradoresnocturnos needs to hire a Paranormal Investigation Team!!

  12. First video, reflection of cameraman
    Second video, cameraman own shadow
    Third video, staged
    Fourth video, OK I didn't watch till end, bored went to another video

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