GENUINE EVP CAUGHT ON CAMERA #paranormal #ghost #creepy #scary #haunted #documentary #film #evp

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Eerie EVP Caught on Camera while investigating a Haunting in Maine.


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About the Author: GhostQuest


  1. I wish you would up load this again without you saying what YOU hear. Just ask people what they think they hear. When you tell us then you poison the listening pool. You want the truth, ask a mixed group what they hear. It may match up. It may not. Why does the background noise sound like digital underwater? Anyway, I don't hear the first 2 words as ' That's why' . The second word sounds like a word that starts with a W. So ask a question objectively. You may be surprised. Good luck.

  2. Hey man, i dunno if you remember me leaving a comment on pt. 2 of your GoCM doc, asking if you'd ever seen a specific piece of evidence that i couldn't explain? I told you I'd look for it, & send you the info if i could find it, but i couldn't at the time. Well, i just so happened to find it… It's a clip of what seems to be a disembodied handprint being dragged across the bed in Kent's bedroom, that you couldn't remember if you'd ever seen it or not. I still don't know the exact video the clip is from, but it was 1 of his earliest uploads, i believe. I had sort-of forgotten about it, until the notification for this vid popped-up & reminded me. I found it on a channel called The Occult Chronicles just a little bit ago after I'd decided to look for it one more time. If you go to the video titled "Maybe the Lamb House IS Haunted…?" you can find it at the 10:00 minute mark of her video. I'd like to know what you think about it. For me, watching it back, it's not quite as spectacular as i initially remembered it, but it's still a really weird 1 because she discovered it, & pointed it out because Kent himself never highlighted it in the OG video. It would be fairly easy to recreate w/some similarity using some string pulling something under the covers, but when i really look at it closely, what i find curious about it is 1) how it's in the shape of a palm of a hand w/fingers, & 2) it does appear as if weight is being applied to the area it occurs. It's also weird he didn't point it out, but other alleged ✌🏻paranormal investigative✌🏻 style channels have done similar stuff in their obviously bull-sh1t "evidence" before, so that part could just be classic reverse psychology. I dunno, take a look at it if you get a chance & let me know what you think. Thanks✌🏻🧔🏼‍♂️

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