A collection of the scariest and most compelling ghost evidence caught by Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural.
Hosts Ryan and Shane have collected a vast amount of evidence of the paranormal over the 5 years of the show. Do you think they have solid proof of the existence of ghosts?
#buzzfeedunsolved #ghosts #boogara #shaniac
Ok the “brown and white” was creepy
1. Probably a bird
2. Radio static jibberish
3. Light and/or something reflecting off a surface
4. Coincidental timing, but this was fun
5. Someone opening a door (could have been a draft)
Not super compelling stuff.
the ghosts: you’re making this too easy for us to scare you.
I like how they have shown more proof of ghost in the supernatural series, than actually get evidence in a crime in true crime
the apple tater one had to be here..thats like 2 different areas at two different times and same responese on spirit box…following ryan an shane around
i know this is an unpopular opinion. but i dont like ghost files.. i try so hard to keep myself interested but i cant keep my attention on the screen for even 5 mins. my biggest complain is that it is SO overproduced to the point that the most charming parts of what used to exist in abundance in buzzfeed unsolved (genuine and organic banters, chatting about the case, etc) are overshadowed. also in the new show i dont think they actually take what they do seriously anymore? especially ryan. it feels like the goal is jist giving entertainment. which sucks.
"Demaan? Demaaaan??"
The front door opened by itself .
"Is that scary to you"
Should be scary to you too as the only other logical explanation is literally some real unknown person coming in and doing it themselves ..👍 maybe air decompression but that is not believable
A flashlight doesn't roll on a completely flat surface … basic engineering ..and to have momentum from a standstill it has to be pushed basic science ….the guy debunking the ghosts doesn't understand physics enough to comment
So what excuse does he make for the light going on and off? Was there a third member of staff who walked in and turned it on at supersonic speed? You can have an opinion about a topic ..but when you straight up ignore evidence to keep yourself ignorant ..that's when your acuity is brought into question
When your excuses for stuff happening are less believable and less held in reality than than it being attributable to ghosts ..you then seem silly
Like there is no reason for than static dog to go off in one of their vids ..the footsteps happening ….with noone making them and the person never being caught … the ball bouncing after it stopped bouncing …
I mean….shanes literally fought a ghost. I dont know what more anyone could want. Actually Ryan fought a ghost recently too. Knocked those ghosts up pretty good too.
Random doors opening and footsteps are what scares me the most, because it might actually mean something other than ghosts, most notably actual home invaders or something like a homeless person living inside the walls.
I will never not laugh at "sounded like will smith, is will smith dead? Has anyone checked the news?"
Is this stuff actually real?? I mean I know Ryan and Shane and the evidence is real, but do ghosts and demons exist? What about aliens
I can't remember fully but the time where ryan was exploring the lighthouse by himself and the radio spoke to him
When communicating and fraternizing with demons, it’s probably not a good idea to use The Lord’s name in vain. Just sayin’.
Apparitions are fun and games when you’re younger and think you’re invincible, but once you have a few experiences with your own mortality and understand what is at stake, you’ll regret having fool heartedly associated with demonic presences. This is coming from someone who has full fledged delved into the occult and arcane, and had at one point been ensnared by Satan.
Please repent for your sins. Embrace the love that our Lord, Jesus Christ, has bestowed upon humanity.
As a shitfish fencesitter(70% Shaniac), the Sallie House flashlight is bullshit. It was just early and Ryan was more freaked out than other episodes. The timing wasn't convincing enough for me, and the technique is one that creates evidence where there isnt any.
Ryan screaming NOOOOOO when the flashlight turned on its own always gets me lmaooo 💀
ryan screaming when the flashlight turns on gets me every time 🤣
ryan sorry but you are a whimp
Great video for 400 subs keep it up 🔥
What about the singing woman at Colchester Castle?
I can’t explain this very well, but my theory for the whistle is. The person who lived in that house, happened to whistle so much, using the same tone, same symphony, it left a part of it behind.
Similar to corridors. If the last owner had an empty corridor, and used it often, passing through the same path over and over again, after his death it could leave remarking behind. If the new owner puts a table with flower pots or books, those objects will move in rare occasions because of that.
The same thing can be said with apparitions on the windows, maybe a person stood in that position for so long, that her/his apparition can be seen for time to time. People leave behind memories, and their mark.
Idk it’s the only logical explanation I can think of 😅🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️
Ryan’s scream when the Sallie torch turns on is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen 😂
wth this guy has only 400 subs with more than 100k views.
LMAOOO I LOVE RYAN AND SHANE. The editing made it super funny.
One of the most active responses they ever got was at Hannah Williams' house on the Ovilus in her son's bedroom. That and the tapping from the roof was actually very compelling evidence to me. I never see that video get mentioned, even though it was one of the most responsive locations