Terrifying night, i ended up trapped in the attic for a short time. The ladder moves while i am in the attic and i dont notice it, i end up calling stacey to come and assist me. On the kinect the camera is violently pulled while i am saying a prayer, ghost hates prayers. Very paranormal active night.
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##### These are our personal experiences living in a haunted house. I am not nor have i ever claimed to be an expert on the paranormal. We film and publish our footage on YouTube, what you choose to make of it/believe is ultimately down to you. #####
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#hauntedhouse #paranormal
Yeah Lee, I'd start listening to your wife from now on lol. It's not funny but it is funny at the same time bc this has never happened before. It even shocked me. I have watched every episode on your YouTube channel. I'm just happy that you didn't get hurt up in the attic. These entities are absolutely crazy wild and they don't care to hurt you. Another thing, please don't believe that's your dad speaking to you. These entities will play tricks on you. Especially the evil ones. Praying for you Lee and family.
Good day and salutations. Been a couple of videos since I last posted. Looks like you put up a disco ball of orbs. Very interesting about the ladder. Glad you have the testicular courage to call for assistance. A community member cleared up the new arrivals in your family. Well done everyone. If I could understand technology I’d let you know who my guide was. Take care all, FTGF.
Lee I don't know who raised you but the respect you show your wife tells me that whoever did raise you was a great person. You show your wife so much respect it is refreshing to see such a good gentleman in how you love your wife and also love your animals. You seem like such a wonderful person. Good luck in everything you both do in life. You're a wonderful couple.
Why the hell don't you move out
Yo Lee please stay in Christ and dont go search for all evil for your viewers entertainment but please show the power of prayer in Christ again Lee. Love you bro.
Holy hell Lee!!! I just started watching, and when the ladder friggin moved away, it was like it was trying to trap you up there! That's scary as hell! Definitely stay away from the attic! Nail that crap shut if you have to. Man, my heart is pounding out of my chest. I always worry about you. I truly hope help is on the way! Sending prayers, love, and light your way! 🙏💗🌟
I held my breath when the step ladders moved, that was scary, I'm glad Stacey wasn't away! Stay safe x
Why are attics haunted🤔
Hello Lee, I just watched your last two videos and was horrified by what went on with you again…. Really extreme… Blows, drawers and the closet is opened in the bedroom…. The worst thing I found was that Poltergeist pulled the ladder away to the attic…. That gave me goosebumps…. Luckily you could reach your wife in the caravan by phone…. That was again a horror for you…
By the way, I told you that I can't get a stand for my Kinect cam at the moment… Found an alternative… Now I have bought a projector stand and it is even better… Hope you had a nice Father's Day, despite the extreme activity by Vlad (Poltergeist) Keep your ears stiff. Many greetings from Hamburg. Your loyal fan Petra😘😘❤❤👻👻
If you ever feel the need to go up there again, maybe tie a rope to the ladder so you could pull it back! My husband and I both think what moves the attic hatch is not from inside the attic but is from below…the ‘entity’ pushes upwards. Stay safe Lee!
That’s very scary to be suck in the attic . It’s starting to want to hurt you physically. Be careful and safe.
08:19 it sounds like Sarah
They never answer t he phone…..
ow Wow thats was intence ……glad u didnt drop out of the attic ,you would have broken something for sure, prayers are with you all,i dont coment much but never miss a video just to make sure you are all ok . Gods bless
Why is no one mentioning the creepy fukn face that came out of the tv while you were reading the prayer… It was scary & its mark stained the tv/area for a good 20seconds . Very clear very nasty very dark. Shit shit shit!
Lee knows some of us on here are just messing with him, as a wife I would've said the sam thing. It wasnt sai to be mean to him. He gets it. It depends on someones personality and lee has a great one and you can see the love and respect they have for each other.
There is a a face at the back door the face disappears and reappears every time you mention your dad look very closely 😳
😊 well lee wife is right! Thank you though for sharing what your going through. Blessings
Thank god you took your mobile up there 🙏
It’s a good thing Stacy was home. I guess you need to keep a rope tied around a plank in the attic in case it happens again you can lower yourself down. I was scared it was going to shove you out the attic.
Hey Lee, super scary tonight. Moving the ladder on you like that was not cool. I'm sorry but i laughed my ass off when Stacey yelled at you. Wives know best. And then the Kinect moving was crazy. I don't think it likes the Kinect much. Also i really hate saying this but Lee i don't think that's your dad. It's just playing with your emotions. I'll say this again after this video…please stay safe. Sending ❤❤❤❤
Hey Lee, nice to see Stacy for a bit hope she's keeping well, she's looking amazing. I don't suppose your sister is called Skye or Sky cos when you asked for your sisters name I heard Sky……… Or do you know of a Sky (and not the one above us lol) that was a freaky one, them ladders being pushed. I mean it's scary to watch it, I don't know how you live with it. Glad you got down though, hope everyone is doing well and baby cillian. Love to you all ❤ sorry I've added this bit I forgot to mention it, at the beginning of your video your eyes are bright red, were you OK……..and I'm absolutely positive I heard a woman humming when you're talking about the last video around 1.19, have a listen ❤
P.S on a side note, don't suppose you or Stacy have any single male friends 😂😂😂
15:49 "I have half a mind to leave you there! I've told you not to go up there, especially when I'm not in the house!" -Stacey Lee's Wife …💯
Remember .. Tinkerbell rescued Peter from Hook..
Peter Pan walked..on air
it wanted you to fall or be trapped.
I was waiting for the black shadow to come charging you in the attic after you seen the ladder moved it was kinda funny at first but your up there trying to bless the area but im glad you didnt fall
A little bit of slapstick going on here. You are Hardy and Vlad is Laurel! Glad you managed to get in touch with Sophie. Do you think you will do another live feed? We have sooo many questions we want to ask you. Will you be getting your website up and running again? Also, this is a bit left field but, were you reported missing back in November 2018? Stay safe. J&Y NZ
Morning Lee…. Hope you and your family are well……OMG!!!!! This for me is one of the scariest videos on your channel. Watching the ladders move was incredible…. The intelligence behind that moving… it knew what it was doing !! It moved them out of your way trapping you in the attic. Thank heavens for your Stacey being able to help you. Don’t go into the attic anymore Lee, it’s just too dangerous. Sending peace love and light x
Good morning Lee. I gotta say, Stac has a valid point,, you have in the past experienced directd attacks from the other side, and one of those happened right there. We all here already know you have balls of steel-no need to play with fire as well….(lol).
Solar activity has been very active as well the last couple of months. Just something I thought may contribute to the increase of mayhem on your end. Energy. Much love to you and the fam. Take care.
Hi Lee yes l think things are terrifying at the minute, it boggles the mind wondering how it can move all that heavy furniture at the same time😱 but moving that ladder was
One of the creepiest things lve seen so far😳but as for your dad Lee l don’t think he,d have anything to do with what’s going even though I know that’s probably the voice you wanna hear the most😢… but be careful & take your wife’s advice nxt time🤷🏼♀️ Cogratulatuons to both of you on your New Grandson lovely news🎉 p.s the kids went mad l
Put my real name on y.t so changed to middle name! Just in case you think who’s this weirdo changing her name! Anyway lam rambling on, you & fam take care xxx
Hi from Australia. I don't know how you have put up with this for so long. I hope this resolves itself for you somehow.
Was the mention of your dad actually from the app? I thought it was a whisper caught on your mic 🤔
I can only continue with the ten prayers… ❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤
Demons often mimic your loved ones, especially on devices like spirit boards & the like. Be careful pal.
I know I shouldn’t but the ladder moving and leaving you there kind of made me giggle a bit, I thought it was funny seeing your legs dangling, on a serious note though listen to Stacey in future, you could of been seriously hurt x
I dont,t like puppets on an attic😂
Always scares me when you go up there! So sneaky didn’t knock it over … just quietly moved it! You are brave!
Seeeee Leee!!!!
Listen to your wifey.
Glad she finally answered. What on earth would you have done if she were away? 😅
Typical man, right?
Hope you are all well & enjoying that new grandbaby of yours.
Take Care/Stay Safe 👻
That ladder moving made me audibly gasp. My stomach dropped….& it just dropped again when that figure moved the camera.
😂😂 That was the most "wifey" response ever – I LOVED it! Mostly because I would have said the same thing to my husband.
iv'e stopped a few months ago watching this channel bt decided to see what's changed by now, clearly nothing. Sir i hope you some day will get rid of this thing in your home.
I love the prayer that you wrote! It was strong! But then right after that you invited it back in by telling it to show itself and such. That might be part of the issue. Prayers from Utah, USA. 🙏🏼
10:01 lmao!!!! Right after Lee asks the question about spraying holy water and asked “how does that make you feel Demon?” A couple of seconds after he ends his question you can hear the device say “Fuck…….that”. Haha 🤣
I think its setting you up
so why not get intouch with HELP MY HOUSE IS HAUNTED let them get rid of it, they are on youtube go watch what they do and i bet they get rid