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About the Author: ABC13 Houston


  1. Wait…….. someone is standing…. On the ground next to her…. “Rescuing” her?

    Lady. Put your feet down and walk your a human to. Plus you can swim or did you forget all of life’s basic motor functions?

  2. She needed to get out! She acted out of panicking. They always tell people to try versus not trying at all. That doesn’t make her “stupid”. 🤨🙄

  3. She was probably thinking, “Maybe the government will not only pay off my college loans but pay off my car and buy me a new one! 🎉

  4. Her stupidity potentially put the lives of first responders at risk.
    She was able to wade over to sit on the rail so I would have left her there to figure out how to get to shallow water,which is clearly visible,on her own.
    It’s not deep where she is and maybe she would learn something!

  5. Step mother either has a secret for the dad, or dad has been private part whipped by the stepmother to be so unattached from his children. Maybe the children had a little difficulty adjusting initially, but no way did they deserve to be treated like that. It’s a shame.

  6. The only thing I can think of is that she wasn't familiar with the area. Still, it's never a good idea to drive through floodwaters if you don't know the depth.

  7. Stubborn stubborn woman. She must be from south of the border and doesn't understand the phrase "Turn around, don't drown" 🙄😑

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