00:00 The Zozo Demon
07:27 Real Life Demon Summoning Rituals
16:17 Real Story of Demon Possession
27:42 The Origin Of Evil: The Devil
38:25 50 Things You Didn’t Know about Satan
01:00:45 Church Reveals Worst Demons to Get Possessed By
01:12:01 Who is Bloody Mary – Scary Mirror Demon Explained
01:26:40 Crazy Demonic Possessions
01:36:50 Most Evil Pope in History – Alexander VI The Devil Pope
01:46:58 Horrifying Discoveries Found Inside the Devil’s Bible
02:06:46 The Night Hag – Demon That Visits You In Your Sleep
02:17:30 The Demonic Possession Of The Nuns Of Loudun
02:27:32 Uber Driver Controlled by Devil to Murder Passengers
02:40:13 PRET – The Demon That Visits You in Your Sleep
02:50:58 Ouija Board Causes Boy To Be Possessed By Devil
03:04:18 How the Devil Inspired This Insane Cult
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The thing about jobe was a wager between satan and "god" and god said " there is nothing you could do to make my followers turn their backs on me, try anything you can think of and he will still praise me." Yeah thats not someone who loves us and looks after our best interest
Tried some of the methods in this video, keep seeing this shadow person in my room at night, it’s probably nothing though
In the name of Jesus these demons will not affect me. Turn to the one true God.
The girl gets an infection after almost drowning is NOT mysterious.
Zozo says trump 2024
I smoked a blizzy with zozo last night
piemon lolol its pronounced "paymen"
Lol I fell asleep to this.
Ok this is evil, father please forgive me for clicking on this. Jesus is Lord.
Okay who googled ZOZo?
People say. Lol. People lie. See tiktok and other social media. Incredible stories make money.😅
I'm gonna summon an incubus now.
1:02:50 well, now I know why is sitting on a toilet in SMT games
20:34. Not easy , since demons like to hide (their invasive presence).
19:14 you know I’ve been ‘Obsessed’, not possessed. I know folks don’t believe in it. Let me tell you, not every one, but it is real. They exist; spirits , that hate, and are able to express it … thru people, and otherwise. I like the definition I heard from a Rabbi; a demon is any negative influence, experience or belief that is stronger than the one afflicted ( Demons can in no way bestow blessings, thus they can only afflict, and not bestow). Sometimes the one afflicted is in some way responsible, and other times they did nothing ( to merit such attention). If one doesn’t understand the nature of what is harming them , then they may make it worse. God is good, ( turnTo Him.) Demons aren’t ( leave them alone). God is complete, Demons are quippoth, unfinished spiritual beings. They are not complete. They can’t help. They are like fast food. Get the idea? Sometimes I’m so hungry, with a few dollars it is easier to run to MICKY D’s . Is that healthy, tho?
16:02 Dumb-daa-dumb-DUMB!i! How’s your self esteem been???
14:44 really? Dude? Seriously? You’re gonna feel like a loser later in life if you live, that is.
10:19 I. Question the wisdom of teaching just about anyone this???
I feel like a summoning a demon is a lose lose situation. If nothing happens, then you are weird, but if a demon shows up for real, then you probably not up for a fun time.
Passion of the Christ 2 common Mel Gibson , we Need Satan vs Jesus CGI Battle will be soo cool
spells arent accurate the christians bastardized the names and a century of the telephone game changed the instructions and positions
i experience "zozo" within dreams but he is a guardian angel… people call him a demon from his appearance… he is a warning of upcoming danger if you notice him…he can appear in many forms…the "monstrous forms" is common because its "noticeable" and easy for subconscious to remember into the conscience…. the demon form is most danger and possible hint at future events "aka bad luck"
but many monsters or demons or dangers in dreams are your subconscious warning self to be wary
the seven-headed beast does not always mean a man in armor next to a giant lizard with 7 heads but really a metaphor like the dragon of yin/yang
Prince of darkness? So who would be the king of darkness, eh?
the devil "unsubbed" from god 😉
Did anyone else's video stop playing AS SOON as he started giving instruction on how to summon Satan? I'm scared to hit play again man wtf.
This was the most irresponsible AI video I've ever heard.
Telling people how to interact with evil spirits is like teaching kids how to make and use explosives. Nothing good can come from it. I will unsubscribe now.
I call bs cause what if two people summon the same mf
Why in God's green Earth world you give directions on how to summon demons?!? I rubucke this computation in Jesus name! Amen!
Demons are very jealeous of their own names because knowing the real name of a demon turns him vulnerable,so little chances this thing is a real demon.
I can't believe there is so much superstitious in the world .
I dare you zozo or zopiclone devils addict
This is irresponsible.
If this method backfires on someone, you are partly responsible.
Zozo, come at me bro!
Way to disguised your deal with the devil in this video… now we know why your channel is successful and it rocks so many to sleep… hmmm