From a ghostly figure caught on camera in someone’s home to footage that might show a spirit near a cemetery, we look at ghostly figures caught on camera. #Ghost #CaughtOnCamera #SlappedHam
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7. Bradley’s Lock & Key Savannah Georgia 2am. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1ccwei0/bradleys_lock_key_savannah_georgia_2am/
6. Unknown Apparition Caught on Camera… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1cd8hbr/unknown_apparition_caught_on_camera_can_someone/
5. My nephew (2yo) took a picture with a toy camera… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1bzsgzn/my_nephew_2yo_took_a_picture_with_a_toy_camera/
4. Ghost in my backyard? Or just a camera glitch 🤔https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1c019jc/ghost_in_my_backyard_or_just_a_camera_glitch/
3. Private movie screening has unwanted guest. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1bz7ee5/private_movie_screening_has_unwanted_guest/
2. Thoughts….🤔 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=428832209870231&set=a.140240918729363
1. Hells Gate Demon. https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/1c490i0/hells_gate_demon/
Arbitrary Treatment
By Prozody
Night Swap
By Bill Ferngren
End of Luck
By Max Anson
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Wowzah 😮 Thank you for the super creepy content Hammy! I love a good ghost story with my blankey & some ice cream before bedtime. 👻 ❤✨ 🐷 ✨
I think the reason the southern towns have way more ghostly stuff happen is because they imported and has more slaves that practiced voodoo. That stuff is super evil.
The video of the figure in the family room doesn't look ghostly at all………..in fact it looks like a "still" image of a naked person running to get through the family room. I say running because that would explain the BLURRED leg and the appearance of the foot being off the ground……….because when you run BOTH feet are off the ground at some point. So no it's not an apparition standing still and floating above the ground at all.
The first video of the door moving and the "Strange lights"………..A slight breeze in the alley behind the shop, an open window causing a pressure difference in the room behind the door causes it to slightly open and close when a sudden stronger gust causes it to "violently" open……..so NO it's NOT paranormal. What about the lights you say?? They are reflections on the glass window that they are filming through…….don't take my word for it, go back and watch the video in slo mo and you'll see that it's just reflections on the glass pane.
Sorry, you dropped the ball on these, what a load of garbage!
Sidenote, the murder in home of antiques dealer you stated how he had to go through 4 trials for the same accusation because the 1st 3 trials did not get outcome the prosecution and state wanted. The same outcome after 4th was not guilty and the state and prosecution either dropped case, told to stop plus after 4 not guilty verdicts. My issue in this case and countless cases just like this and cases with various charges. Defendant is found not guilty by a jury, no issues with the original 1st trial that resulted in a not guilty. Why the state and federal judicial branches along with those who are in shadows calling the shots and keep re-trying the same defendant with same charge until the government gets the verdict of guilty. Our government has unlimited funds, budget, expense to find any witness, when out of state the government can/does spend thousands to travel, interview witness and if they can help prosecution all expenses for witness are paid for. Now the defendant either needs to be a multi millionaire actually having several million in cash to cover expenses for each trial and the end result when not guilty verdict is read after 1 or 2-3-5 trials from 1st original to every re-trial. If your not a multiple times millionaire and unable to afford a team of top attorneys for the 1st trial let alone continute paying for 2,3 4 5 trials…. ? With a average cost of $150 000 for each trial plus unable to work and earn a dime during your trials. Many people lose their job, business, position, spouse, kids because the government before trial with help of fake news and even though your suppose to be innocent until proven guilty. That's not true and the citizens, family, those you work for or sell to like people are will believe and spread rumors on the accusations. When found not guilty why isn't it a law our judicial branch must rememburse the defendant for every dime spent and what it has and will cost you for years to come. We know for fact how corrupt our entire Judicial system and all those working within. It's wrong being able to keep going to trial with unlimited funds knowing 90% can not hire the best. The Judicial system knows if you have no money a 2nd trial ends up a guilty verdict even if innocent, this is BULLSHIT. .
What's worse BS how the citizens in our country love to hate others and have no real evidence. They just love to attack, beat down people and hate to lift up and support people facing our totally corrupt, criminal filled judicial branch of government. They support our government by attacking accused, what a bunch of worthless waste of space on earth.
Let's say it's a guardian spirit 😊
The theater in Gilroy has quite a few stories about it…
OMG STOP saying inexplicable! Please, other words like, unexplainable, weird, odd, strange, scary, creepy, eerie! I could go on. I love you but this word is making me not want to watch you anymore. I mean really, count how many times you say inexplicable!
Stamp 8:18 "Ghostly Figgah Caught On Camera" that "figgah" seemed familiar & I remembered a clip from ye ol Slapped Ham taken in a party supply store in Mexico, the guy sells and buys pinatas, in the particular clip there's guy playing on a Wii and then he's asleep in the backroom… and there's very similar figure moving just the way the ghostie in this clip moves… odd, maybe some ghost do? !!!
It makes me sad to think any spirit human or animal would linger.
Slap ham has turned in to the usual youtube grifter
Definitely nothing fake about the first video😂 ham Is going the way of.
Zach baggins
A new line up of spooky stuff, thanks, Kallen!
video 6/4 is 100% an E.B.E/Alien
This is ignorant. I can't believe people actually believe this at 1 time. I did, and I am so skeptical now because you Show it as an evil force or something nasty and scary. And it could be something so innocent, but you don't put it that way. What little intelligent, This is such an insult.
I think that sometimes when a person who suffers a horrible death they are stuck in between this world and the next one so they try to let people know that they're always here watching
This guy puts enything up it's about content time not quality that's why he Crapp's on so much
I don't know why you bothered with the video of the door, someone could easily just be behind it moving it.
9:35 someone has customized an invisibility shield . Notice how they're looking directly at the photographer. They're aware that they're being photographerd…
Hey Fam, l know all is well with you all. How l know this…. because you guys are apart of the best channel family in world and you're all Kool as hell… Now let's talk, the clip with the little child and the ghost in the road. Look closer and you can see the head of another one on the TV left side of the main ghost. They look female. Ok at the 12:33 mark with the shadow figure…pause and zoom in and you will see a female face with her head hanging down just if it was a dead corpse or something. There is others out there as well. Let me know if you can see it too. Like always….l love you all so dearly fam❤❤❤❤❤❤