Her Favorite Sword Broke, So We Came To The Rescue! | The Dodo

Her Favorite Sword Broke, So We Came To The Rescue! | The Dodo
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This dog loved using her sword to fight with her parents, until it broke.

Was this the end of her sword fighting days? Not if we have anything to do with it…

Keep up with Anna, Luke and Pinto @mistymountainlegends


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. Would recommend teaching him to switch his โ€œgripโ€ from right to left and vice versa.
    Then bam, Pinto Bean teh great brown wolf

  2. I love the victory lap at the end. I surprise this pup does not have a whole wall of fake swords to choose from.

  3. Omgggggggg godddddd blessssssss thissssssss mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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