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Searching For The UK’s Rarest Animals! It’s a big one as we set off searching for the rarest animals there is on offer in the UK… the Capercaillie and the Scottish Wildcat!
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Big mission with the boys – let me know what you think kids x
you have to get rid off the sniffing – that is an awful sound.
if that was a bird of prey kill i find it unlikely to be a goldie with the amount of plucking involved of the kill, not that typical for them
I've read that the wildcat is dwindling due to mix breeding?
i live in Scotland and ive seen a few scottish wild cats up the cairn gorms
Good effort guys, have always wanted to see a wildcat in the wild! Fingers crossed for next time
I understood (perhaps wrongly) that for Capercaillie, you ideally need to be in place before dawn (in the dark) then on the look as soon as light starts to break? Might help if you go back!
I've never seen a capercaillie but I've definitely heard one. Used to go on holidays to Cairngorms, Perthshire and the west coast but can't remember where. There's some amazing wildlife in some areas of Scotland
If I found 2 guys in the woods late at night with thermal cams, hunting for wild puss…cats, I may or may not be silently dialling 999 behind my back 😂😂😂
Footprint looks dog to me, sorry!
Montreathmount forest, between Forfar and Montrose in Angus definitely has a few Capercallie kicking about. Much smaller area than you're looking in too.
I have wild cats near me in the West Midlands seen them hunting to amazing little animals. Also had encounters with what I believe to be even bigger cats
Those "Scottish wildcats" have always just looked exactly like house cats to me, so I'm not surprised at all that they can breed with them.
They make our bobcats look like freakin' tigers.
It’s quite unusual to find an Opel Olympia in Scotland, they were German cars
Seen one years ago near Coldstream just over the border from Northumberland on a streach of road where there was a lot of road kill It was standing on the grass verge and the car headlights lit it up as we came around a corner. Very large head and tail, and noticeable stripes.
40 years as a commercial photographer. I had never done wildlife photography for my bucket list. I wanted to see mountain hares in there winter coat
I was taken up to where you were filming. This march. We photographed mountain hares and in the afternoon snow bunting. Drove down the Mountain
And headed back to our hotel. Dusk had descended and we had just entered a wooden bridge over a wide river. The car was doing about 15mph when I spotted a large
Cat stalking at the edge of a field shooting through the driver and the steering wheel. I managed to get one rather blurry image of a cat tabby cat with dark rings on its tail.
I am saying it’s a Scottish wild cat. By the time we had gone over the bridge turned round waited our turn to go over the bridge. The light had gone completely.
Back at the hotel. We ate then started to download our images. Looking at the cat. We spotted it had what looked like a radio collar on. We sent the embarrassing
Image to the Scottish wildlife with the location. They confirmed it was one of the cats released last year close to the release sight. I will never get rid of that image but also never show to anyone else. I am keeping it for my own personal pleasure I’ve not even show it to my wife. It’s that bad a shot. But seeing all you went through on the video gave me a warm glow
I have seen a Scottish wildcat for all of 15 seconds and it was magical.
Good luck in the future
the lad you came across has such a feminine facial structure he just looks like a bearded lady
Enjoyed watching this episode! Thanks for sharing 👍 👍
So the wildcats are eating the capercaillie😳 ? Both are special animals and need more conservation and habitat. Great video 👍🏼
That forest during the snow looked so magical.
Introducing more cats and bird numbers go down……..go figure