This video discusses grappling strategies of the Gracie family to defeat other disciplines.
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Gracie BJJ=JUDO as a martial art
Hi Chadi! Great video! May I do a reaction to this video. I used to train at a school that taught Gracie jiu jitsu and I think I can add some valuable context @chadi
If the dis-Gracies didn’t assault Ruffino Dos Santos with an armed mob ending his carrier after defeating Carlos Gracie, catch wrestling would be all the hype and nobody would even know what Brazilian Judo even is.
I am a long time BJJ player. First I am Carlson Gracie lineage. The philosophy is simple. Close the distance. Take them down. Side Control, Mount, maybe Back Mount. Smash them, then smash them again. Guard is a defensive technique when you are yourself placed on your back. Sport BJJ is fine. It is not designed to fight people, it is designed to compete against other BJJers. The worst people in the world to find yourself fighting are wrestlers, Judo players or Muay Thai fighters. Followed by a good boxer. I rate a good wrestler as a nightmare for anyone. Size counts, strength counts, speed counts. The Gracies fought a lot of puny looking guys in the early days and were horrible people. BUT they opened up the world of grappling. They brought back MMA. I forgot Sambo, sorry. Keep it real, train hard. That's it.
Can you defend yourself with 1 year of constant judo training?
Chadi: you made a video with a weird judoka, with a very sneaky style… looking clumsy like he would fall or make mistake, then fool the opponent and win – but I can not find it. Please help me with the name of that judoka?
The Carlson method
Even when poorly/sloppily executed (I absolutely SUCK at grappling lol), the basic "close the distance/clinch up/takedown/finish with strike or a choke" strategy/system has got me through a bunch of fights against people who could have easily boxed my face in, had I have decided to stay in the pocket and trade with them and/or try to keep distance and kick or evade instead.
It's not a flawless system and (at least in my hands…) it's kind of ugly-looking and awkward, but it's VERY effective.
What are you talking about Chadi? You can't be a purist in MMA. It's self evident. Thats what "mixed" means.
In short:
Take down -> Mount or Top turtle -> ground and pound -> Hadaka Jime/RNC
(If I’m wrong, please correct me.)
This video definitely makes Gracie Jiu Jitsu seem more like a system of judo rather than its own individual martial art. (Which is pretty much what it is because it is judo.)
I came here for the angry judoka 😂
Chadi look for Rufino dos Santos vs Gracie
The Gracies gave us three things that changed martial arts forever: the dominance of the mount position, actual effective techniques to get out from under a mounted opponent (and that it is very possible to fight from your back), and a put-up-or-shut-up policy of challenging other arts that relied on poor or ineffective techniques (which lead to the UFC and MMA in general). For those lessons, we should all be eternally grateful.
Gracie jiu jitsu is no over positions
The gracie jj = judo variation with a simple and efficiant strategy. That it.
The gracies are the Kardashans of the martisl arts world ,,,up their own arse
Fine materiel.
This video proves that specific systems are limited for a real fight. He rushed in, took him down, punched him and then choked him you dont have to be trained to do that it happens in most cities dally. Yet BJJ and Judo will ignore this video and carry on.
The best straragy is picking only people you know you can beat and running away from legitimate challengers
right on
The sad reality is that the vast majority of BJJ students in the U.S. have never learned, let alone practice and perfect, the original Gracie street fighting methods.
I started training BJJ in the mid 90's during the early UFC boom years, and even then, BJJ instruction almost everywhere was focused exclusively on competition and guard play.
I was watching Brazilians fight in MMA using a certain set of effective techniques, and then learning absolutely none of those techniques in BJJ classes, where we focused almost exclusively on guard pulling to set up armbars.
I left BJJ with a blue belt, and went back to wrestling just as wrestlers started dominating MMA, wherein BJJ in the U.S. took this bizarre evolution of more elaborate guard theatrics that were completely divorced from reality.
To this day, the vast majority of BJJ clubs are oriented toward competition and guard play, with only ADCC oriented clubs offering a more wrestling oriented strategy, and those are few and far between.
It's unfortunate, because on some level, BJJ, as it is taught to the vast majority of the public, is equivalent to suburban strip mall Martial Arts from the 80's, totally devoid of effective street self defense.
You are much better served joining a wrestling club, or taking up boxing/Muay Thai, if available.
2:31 you can see the mat on this dojo is made with great quality, looks like there is a suspension there. It looks similar to the Pro-Wrestling rings, you can be slammed safely there.
I practice Gracie JJ under a longtime Heilo Gracie Family instructor. I wasted a good 12 years playing weird guards that I knew from my wrestling and Judo background wouldn't be effective in street fighting. But, it was all that was available in my area. Once I started training with my current coach, I realized I was doing the exact same Judo NeWaza that I started with 42 years ago in Judo. It's a circle.
Excellent breakdown. The Gracies always warned against the ideas of Eddie Bravo and by extension John Danaher etc etc and the sportifying of Jiu Jitsu. They had developed a pragmatic and highly-effective self defence system based entirely on distance control, but the human desire, or arrogance to think you know better and can improve on something took over once it reached the United States. It would take a return to round less fights for the public to recognise how right they were.
I'm always remind myself of John Danaher breaking down the Gracie/Bjj method to Rogan and gave it a 4 step sequence….
The formula: pick non-grapplers. If the opponent is better, try to stall them out and claim moral victory/rewrite history after.
From UFC1 chaos to general knowledge to very clear and easy instruction (with digital graphics even)
Do you see kosoto gake at higher levels in judo?