The Secret sign has been used by WWE to indicate a real medical emergency to a WWE Superstar
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Topics Discussed In this Video:
1. X sign in WWE
2. Referee X Sign
3. WWE X-Sign Secret Signal
4. 10 Times The Secret X-Sign Was Used In WWE For Real Medical Emergency
5. Wrestlelamia
Bro you can’t fight with a broken finger
I know it’s only WWE but Jeff Hardy vs Sting on Impact is another one lol.
I was piledrivered onto a concrete slab floor when i was 11 years old by my friends step dad and lost my capacity of leg usage but it made me a stronger person overall
Bro…Nash's legs look like toothpicks
It’s actually not so secret anymore
So XXX needs some real medical attention 🤔
The problem with the X sign is that now the company knows fans know it, they've started to throw it up for kayfabe injuries. So just because you see in X – in fact very often if you're seeing it right in the center of the shot – it means that it's not a real injury.
The Ric Flair one at the beginning was almost certainly kayfabe. I suspect the headkick to Martinez was as well.
In the Sin Cara incident, the ref should have helped relocate the finger and the match continues.
Aubrey Edwards
P u s s i e s …
Nash is the master of skipping leg day.
2:02 you meant sincara right now cesaro? I had seen the chapter preview it said cesaro vs del rio and i was like, "when did this happen". turns out it was good ole sincara…..
8:34 as a boxing fan you can tell what a real ko looks like that was one of the cleanest kos I’ve ever seen she got hit right on the button it doesn’t take much to knock someone out if you hit them in the right spots
I know this video is two years old. 4:02 I have a torn rotator cuff, and I can tell you that just even moving your arm wrong will pop it out of joint. I can also tell you it is indeed painful.
randy ortan didn't even pull a face to a dislocated shoulder, he a beast
Xia's kick looked ultra-clean though.
9:31 A pedigree on the table with a tore quad… HHH is not human
6:40 “allowed the medical team to get nash out the ring “ Shawn Michaels and the big show walking him out
Fucking nash fell like an animatronic 🤣
8:17 She should team with RVD
Orton must be on heavy painkillers to injure his own arm like that pounding
Triple H's Spinebuster has been renamed The Quadbuster.
Now if you break a nail they'll give an x sign
Balls hehe
The secret X sign, that isn't really a secret. I see that being used, you know things have gone pear shaped.
The attitude era puts them all to shame
Look it’s everyone’s hero Chris Benoit. Where ever did he go?
Don’t see him much anymore
All fake and part of the script
X pac must be glad that the X signed is used
Speaks volumes about modern WWE that pretty much every one of these was from the post Attitude era. Far worse wrestlers, but far more pampered
I know Flair back was on fuego after the vicious bump 😂😂😂
Edge and Orton, true pro's.It's happened a lot more than 10 times as well.
Not really a secret if your telling everyone on YouTube
that picture at 6:54 is crazy how much muscle he lost in his legs
I have never wanted to see X-Pax ref a match more than I do now. 😂 X
Like dude, did Randy just dislocate his arm by punching the ring…? Like, life is unfair, but then there's Randy
It's maybe the at least well protected "secret" of the wrestling business. Some say that fans knew what that means before anyone outside the business knew what Baby Face and Heel means.
That referees at 6:02 stood his ground. Good for him.
xia li must be really unsafe to work with
I’ve met Mahoney. You could easily fit a family of 4 in the dent in his forehead.
6:43 the dude on the right looks like Mike O’Hearn