50 Superpowers, 50 Fails | FailArmy

50 Superpowers, 50 Fails | FailArmy
Spread The Viralist

Meet the DC Extended Universe

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About the Author: FailARMY Shorts


  1. От дурной головы и ногам покоя нет,мне кажется,что эти люди от безделья глупостями занимаются

  2. My comment is exactly the same as the last person's. But i do have to say some are very funny. Why do we laugh at someone else's expense ? Just asking

  3. I love watching people fall it's funny but lately some of these falls and fails seem so aggressive and painful I find myself wondering if they came back from that😮😮

  4. The guy and the Lyon:
    He talks to the people sth. like:
    "When you play with lions it's important never show fear!" and then that happened. I'm not kidding!😄

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