A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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There are some moments in life that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if it weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every day, it can be very confusing to see them with your own eyes. Today, we’re going to show you of the most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera!
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● 41》 Corruption appeared on the earth and in the sea because of what people did with their own hands; so that [Allah] may make them taste part of what they have worked; perhaps they will return (to Allah).
●Why did God forbid corruption?
■1- Religious effects: Corruption is a cause of torment and vengeance from God Almighty.
■2- Social effects: Corruption sows the seeds of division, enmity, and hatred among people, destroys families, exacerbates family problems, wastes the dignity and honor of the individual, and threatens the human species.
Ich schäme mich, dass ich nicht gewusst habe was für ein tolles Meer hat Österreich. In der Zukunft werden wir aus Bayern nur noch dort hin fahren 😂
Please read Psalm 83 and 2 Psalm !
GOD pressing muslims, and all nations to really REPENTANCE !
Sect is not GOD CREATOR favior ! HE do not tolerate it any longer!
GOD want to be RELATION and NOT man made 1000+1 idoletry relion betwen HIM and by HIM created children !
That is the reasan to all, warnings signal, curse, calamities, suffering and mourning !
NO more Mecca and Medina idiotic idolatry !!!
NO more harlot vaticany 🌞day mess.
NO more 5 compass pray /day turning against unGodly Satanic city!
NO more hate in heart against your brothering around you muslims ppl.!
NO more rebellious hearth and chanting on World street !!!
— GOD is:
Heavanly Father
CREATOR not devasteting !
Your and my CREATOR and Maker !
He never complains
Long suffering
Healing the broken
Hi's spirit in everithing, everywhere,
…and many other good character, only comes from HIM.
Do you know HIM !?
HE decide to destroy all who is outside of this character !
Think twice befor you rase up your hand against your neighbours !
Tem alguma coisa errada aí por que na Áustria não tem mar.
지구가 다 되었나요?
The resilience of communities affected by these disasters is both inspiring and heartbreaking.
Is it time for a global initiative to address the root causes of natural disasters?
اقترب الوعد الحق
It is so very terrible!
Meu Deus tem misericórdia desta vidas em nome de Jesus Cristo
ya des cocotiers en autriche?Stop les fakes!,
Las calles con adoquines.
Es muy antiguo 😢
was hat das mit Österreich jetzt zu tun ???
Masyaalloh .ini semua sudah kehendah alloh yang maha kuasa . Kita berdoa aja minta selamat di dunia sampai aqirot. Semoga di beri ke sabaran menghadapi semua ini. Jangan lupa berdoa .sama alloh. .
O meu deus que está acontecendo com o nosso mundo
Blestemu pe Austrieci ca neau furat gazele ,petrolul Dumnezeu ai pedepseste urmeazar iohanis ca a vandut tot pacatosul
Ça serait donc l'année de l'ébullition 2024 qui ne laisse présager rien de bon ! Cherchons une autre terre !
Österreich am Atlantik. 😂😂🤣🤣👍💪
오스트리아 가 아닙니다. 가짜 제목
God help all of you
las profecías de la Biblia se estan cunpliendo al pie de la letra
Z którego roku są te anomalia pogodowe
TODOS os desastres climáticos dos últimos anos e os recentes são sinais de Deus Todo Poderoso Criador do Universo/Allah e não estão relacionados à farsa do aquecimento global, ao El Nino, a anomalia do campo magnético, as tempestades magnéticas, a crise climática ou ao Haarp, mas ao Apocalipse3
O Teocentrismo, o Islã, a Física Quântica e a Doutrina Espírita dominam o pensamento positivo coletivo na Transição Planetária5, CRIADA por Deus Todo Poderoso Criador do Universo/Allah
RATANABÁ3 = Nova Jerusalém = Berço da Humanidade3 – Amazônia3 – Brasil
Mais informações nos canais de Urandir responde, Rafael Hungria, Otávio Reis SH360, Felipe Castelo Branco, Dakila Pesquisas e Dakila USA
Сильный ветер.
Assustador,que dia foi isso?verdade que foi agora mesmo?
Que bom Deus tenha piedade da Áustria.