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About the Author: FunnyAnimals NHK


  1. The golden lab in the cage at the very end isnt in a proper cage. The bottom should always have something he/she can walk on not open caged bars like that because it will absolutely mess up his/her legs and pads. Absolutely unacceptable!!

  2. Why is dogs in plural in the title but not cats? It's not just this one but all other episodes as well… Is it all copy pasted by a bot? A human can't make this same mistake that many times

  3. I have a serious question. I'm an American woman so I don't know the laws in South Africa. Can a woman 💥💥🔫🔪🔪 her abuser to protect herself? I mean no offense. This poor beautiful woman. She did one phenomenal thing though. She said enough is enough and left. It wasn't enough to save her but she left. He couldn't handle the fact that she told him to fck off & she was serious. May you RIP ma'am. The world knows your story 🙏🏽🫶🏽💖🫶🏽

  4. The 2 cats pulling string through the door made me laugh as the woman laughing in the background sounds like a chicken! Hahaha

  5. 1st – I don't care if your not this Market-plier. I love you Human!
    3rd – Dog is calling you out Spongebob! Get off that counter and face him!
    6th – Cat vs Jerry. The world's oldest streaming video watching rivalry.
    9th – Best paw powered water treading dog ever!
    10th – He thinks that picture tastes great? Wait until he tries the real thing!
    13th – To Be fair? Nobody warned the dog that he was expected to appear before a large crowd after eating lunch from Petco…
    Last – …whoops. That puppy is raising the alarm on my poor humor! Better end now…

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