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About the Author: Secret Storytime


  1. When I was younger I was laying on my bed and I heard a girl with her and my daughter died a year ago and I have heard him whimper ever since then every night

  2. Once I was at school in the cafeteria and I saw a shadow man not on the wall standing there and I told my friend but it disappear

  3. I have a picture of one from ghettysburg at night and than we saw a cursed Indonesian doll so I couldn't sleep and kn that night I swear I felt someone grab my leg

    Also hers another story
    I was trying to sleep one night and I had seen a ghost, but the scary part is 1 week after my Mom told my brother what i said I saw. But what he said sent shivers down my spine he said he had used a ouija board that night

    Both of these are true stories that have happened to me

  4. Every night I would hear tapping on the window and I always have a nightmare that someone or something was watching me from my window it really freaked me out because I live on the second floor of my apartment building,I told my friend about it and she said it was probably the wind but I said it's not the wind because the wind can't do that so she got scared and asked me if I hear or see weird things in my house, I said yeah because I always hear something running around my house and shaking my door when everyone is sleeping and it's not my cats. Now I hear a little girl outside of my window screaming someone's name but every time she stops she comes back the next day doing it again😨😰. Also when I was like 7 or 6 I would always here a voice that sounded exactly like my mother's voice whispering my name my full name so every time I heard it i would walk to my mom's room and what scared me the most was the fact that she would say she never called my name😰

  5. He was paralyzed it wasnt a ghost it was parallel dream it was a dream over and over if you can feel pain its not a dream although it was a paralyzed moment he had a parallel paralyzed dream when you wake up in a dream it a dream all along when you're paralyzed it means you're having a dream the only thing you can actually move is your eyes and so the dream in a dream ain a paralyzed dream its a rare this to happen trust me. My therapist said so but even so it could have all been a dream/Nightmare but even so we all know its fake. Anyway i hope that cleared it up for the people who thought it was real.

  6. Yesterday I was playing sequence with my family.We cleaned up at midnight and went to bed.This morning the entire game was set up as if someone had played it.Non of my family has any idea of what happened

  7. Bro i heard somebody calling my name right next to me but when i turned around nobody was there so then i just said yes?? But i never heard that again

  8. This happened to me and i sh*t my f*ucking pants so we moved out but i called a ghost hunter he said its a ghost name poltergeist which is more dangerous so do not communicate with him so then he was following me i was annoyed of the poltergeist but it was much scary because it can DM. Call. Even get into your dreams last night 2012/10/23 now the old house is which i got out of it was guarded by police and ghostbusting agents. In the Camera footage i found [ ??? ] and it was so scary and the next day the same thing i called police to guard my house at night i checked all the cameras footage. Have this ever happen to you?

  9. Reminds me of another short ghost story:
    “My roommates keep complaining about ghost and paranormal stuff happening in my house but I’ve been living here 300yrs and haven’t seen or heard anything”

  10. I didn’t believe in ghost until what happened. I was home alone when I heard my dog barking. Which is normal so I ignored him and put my headphones in. 15 minutes later I went to go check on him and he wasn’t there. I looked everywhere but he wasn’t there. I called my mom and dad and they told me they would be home in a bit. They filled a missing dog report and moved on. After a few days we found him dead on the side of the road. I was sad but I moved on a couple days later. The night after his birthday I heard my dogs bark from the living room. I ran over not knowing what was going to happen. I swear I saw my dog hanging from my fridge with blood. I screamed and heard something from behind me whispering “I will kill you if you say anything” it brushed my shoulders and disappeared. To this day I don’t know what would have happened if I told someone.

  11. Once I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard a little girl's voice whisper "ready?" I always wonder what if I answered them, what would happe? And once I heard a voice, which sounded s lot like my mom's when she's tired whisper "who?" Also my parents say that in our old house once they heard what sounded like me and my brother running up and down the house but we were little and didn't get out of bed

  12. When my famliy when out for 5 min my friend come to my home it was like 8.p.m we were seeing youtube we were heard someoun knocking on the door when we went To check no One was there we don't care but it was heard more when check a saw a person for a split second 2 min after my famliy come back I dont tall them for a week😊

  13. I was facetimeing my best friend when I was a little bit younger. She lives in another city about 3 or 4 hours away. We talked for a while until her parents called her. I still remember how I told her “I love you, bye!” and right after the call ended, I hear her litteral voice wispering in my ear “Do you wanna play Roblox?”. I started shaking and imediatly called her back thinking I didin’t end the call and asked her “Did you say “Wanna play Roblox?” after you ended the call?” and she said “No, why?”. I was scared, I almost started crying. That was the day that I started beliveing in paranormal stuff.

  14. For me it wasn't whispering or was yelling I'll tell you the story.

    One time my cousin and my mom were in their rooms asleep and I was asleep as well and then I felt someone's cold large hand grabbing my shoulder roughly and yelling my name so I woke up immediately and saw that no one was there so i went to my cousin and asked him if he did that and he said no because he was asleep and i knew that it wasn't Mom because it was a grown mans voice that yelled at the top of his lungs "FELICITY WAKE UP!!!!" and when I told my mom about this she said that she heard nothing I remember it to this day and ever since then i have seen many inhuman things happen to me and my friends and family… I didn't know that anyone had ever heard a spirit speak to them besides me but nevermind who else has been through like this say your story I'm the replies of this comment because i just want to hear y'all's stories

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