Katherine Aguasvivas is on a road trip, from her home in Homestead Florida, which is south of Miami, to central Florida to visit friends.
After going through Orlando, Aguasvivas calls her husband Miguel in a panic.ย She tells him that she is in Winter Springs, and there is a green Acura running into her back bumper. He tells her not to stop, and keep driving, but neither of them calls 911. At 5:30 p.m., Aguasvivas stops for a traffic light at the intersection.
What goes down next is caught on camera by a witness. A man dressed in all black gets out of the Acura approaches the driver’s side of Aguasvivas’ Dodge Durango and threatens her with a gun. He forces his way inside, climbing into the back seat, and forcing Katherine Aguasvivas to drive.
The eyewitness calls 911.
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People look but they don't see. If that makes sense. And yes, I can provide examples.
one of them might be Rachel whats her name killer from Las angeles pic and ma and pa trail
Sickening to have to live in a town with these blatant killers!! Am i the only one that realizes this is the way they work in Mexico ? They are coming across the border!
Possibly she was having a affair with the tow guy !
Apparently the criminal knew the police werent gonna get to the scene . Hes likely dealt with that goofy dispatcher in the past !!
He looks disguised! Could he be that nut that has escaped the california rape and the maryland killing of mom on a hike !?
I would of drove off and took my chances!! But this was definitely a hit bc the license plate is covered so they would of eventually got her!! & to do this at a busy intersection like this is scary!! Lastly, FIRE THAT 911 OPERATOR ASAP!!!!!
RI is full of obscure license plates. Some are blacked out.
I believe it was a hit ๐ข. This is so sad ๐. She was a target to be killed. This world is getting wicked by the day.
Nancy grace I am a big fan and I have been watching you for a long time and I must say NO ONE ASK MORE STUPIDER QUESTIONS THEN YOU.! I mean to be so good at what you do by captivating audiences to tune in as you do while at the same time asking the expert investigators the most obviously dumb question about this or that and to get away with it for so long while still being able to keep your credibility as a experienced investigator or professional prosecutor thatโs knowledgeable in The most horrific crimes is astonishing I can truly say the more of these heinous crimes they put you threw the more screws become loose in your head. but to be able to get away with it for so long is pure genius ok ๐ love you bye ๐
He was hired smh someone wanted her umalived smh
I was driving my Volvo late at night and had to take an alternate route in a neighborhood that was definitely not good. Then, I stopped at a red light, with my window down, when this guy walked up and pointed a hand gun right at my head, so I hit the gas and went right through the light. I could see in the rear view mirror that the criminal stood there looking completely dumbfounded. I thought, if the police came after me, that would be just fine. I went home and called the police afterward.
This was planned
Drug were involved
Honda Akura?? …. No Acura TL…. Apparently that confused the operator didn't take much๐ฎ๐
๐ is 9-1-1 call center being subleased to india?? WTF … ๐ฎ๐ฎ
Nacey you still overly animated like my exwife i walk out on.
The 912 operator soinded like a foreigner!! WTF!!
Welcome to Joe Biden's America!!
Criminals are being allowed to run rampant without any punishment because the Democrats refuse to punish actual criminals!!
Such a tragic case…do not comply if this happens ignore or lay on the horn or speed off.
she was a drug runner from South Florida. That alone will get you killed and she was. Calling her a Florida "mom" makes it sound like she was driving to soccer practice. She was delivering drugs and money here in Central Florida.
They should charge the 911 dispatcher and her husband.. for real simple as that .. independently what she was doing ,she wasn't expecting dirty move like this .. they thought Florida is Puerto Rico..this happened in Puerto Rico every day or week .. ๐ข๐ข๐ข