10 SCARY Videos That Push Fear to the Limit!!

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  1. @4:56, didn't his gran say she'd had these paranormal experiences & or feelings and she was offered to stay with someone while her grandson volunteered or was volunteered by a family member to try to look into this, it's possible they feared she may need to be on medication? Who knows?..If the paranormal isn't something she's interested in or able to cope with, it may be traumatising her to add stress to her life her health may be less likely to handle her confusion & terror…when they understandably want her to have as many good times as she deserves?!!

  2. Sunglasses (?!) that “nun” ain’t looking too healthy but I’m pretty sure they’re sunglasses that maybe are worn for something like cataracts or some other eye condition that makes them very sensitive to light (?!). Look closer & bet you’ll see a metal rim going across the nose (btwn the eyebrows) & I’m not so sure about it being a nun but maybe it’s an older gentleman who’s just very frail, just sayin cause where’s the habit if it’s a nun now really pale frail old guy I can see too not that it’s not one helluva creepy ass clip but still 🤷🏻‍♀️ thanks for sharing & hope all is well me duckies!! TTFN ✌🏼🤟🏼🧼🖖🏼

  3. There is absolutely no way in hell I would allow that creep to get close to me at all let alone all that crap he was pulling on that woman he just met. Women need to be more like a man with creeps like this.

  4. The guy in the salon has been arrested and charged with a lot of different charges. This isn't the first girl he's freaked out. He's done this so many times that several women had restraining orders against him. After this video was released several women came forward to the police and it turns out they were already looking for him. He's going away for five years is what I read

  5. Last one is most definitely just an old guy with tinted specs and the illusion of a robe is just a mixture of one or… I think two peoples heads with long dark hair.

    I’m not a sceptic… usually? I’m both. So don’t hate, appreciate:)

  6. I’m not sure about the guy with the hunted scarf. It was too easy. Throwing it like that and everything stops? From what I’ve seen and learned, when a spirit is attached to something it doesn’t leave the person once they know they have a vessel.

  7. I think I can explain #9. The vespa was running, which caught the male passerby attention. Then went into gear and the rear wheel ran up the back the curb and flipped.

  8. Dude was.trying to take that woman at the salon I hope she showed the cops everything including his phone and video that was freaking terrifying dude omfg ….and the one with the little girl it could have been a spirit but I think someone hacked into the camera and mic of the child thing in its room and was scaring that baby for days thats so damn messed up ….but that guy trying to see how strong the woman was in the salon so he could see how strong she was to fight his ass and he though she was lying about the client showing up until they did and his ass got very nervous I hope he didnt start stalking her after that I hope he got locked up ans I hope thr cops are watching him very closely especially after his.search history Said the things it said cause he's gonna go after someone again seriously….hes crazy seriously

  9. Man, I wish something like this would happen to me, just once! Not the creepy serial killer, but a paranormal activity! Great job!

  10. in the second clip, for THAT to have been cause by the motor the moped/vespa would HAVE TO be FRONT WHEEL DRIVE!!! It CANNOT just do A FRONT FLIP from its own engine unless the front wheel is driven by the engine…. if its driven by the rear wheel how does it keep flipping over once the rear tire leaves the ground??? IT CAN'T!!
    So this is either a poltergeist, or a person flipping it over and CGI is used to remove them from the clip… But a person flipping it over doesn't caused people to stare like that… does it?

  11. Number 5, Keep stronger password on router/internet. The happens few times over the years. People come in and screm/yell in mic from the webcam or Baby monitor. I doubt that was a Ghost

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