You’re my #2 favorite horror video channel darkmoose, my first place is Bizarrebub though I’ve been watching his channel since forever now
I dont hear the last one
I like horror 🖤
The first clip I see someone in the hallway then it zoomed into that area.. strange
Love ur vids bro keep up the good work!!
The second one is so creepy
Nothing makes me more happy than coming home from school ready to watch a new darkmoose video
yea I don't think the #4 video is real… how did the Mom NOT hear her daughter screaming at the top of her lungs but can hear her calling for Mommy VERY QUIETLY??? And those glitches in the video are just a LITTLE BIT TOO CONVENIENT … it cuts out the ENTIRE interaction she has with her daughter … like 'why were you calling for me?" "why were you under the bed?" "why are you scared?" … every part of the video that would show the ACTING SKILLS of both the Mom and the Daughter are just conveniently GONE…. And the second clip when she's looking under the bed… you're telling me she didn't see that doll BEFORE the camera did??? Her eyes can only see what the camera sees??? And WHY TF did she pan the camera under the bed SOOO FRIKKIN SLOW??? WHO DOES THAT???? Finally she didn't have a very good explanation/story about everything… when I saw this on other channels they showed clips of her talking about the history of the house and I remember she screwed up something about the previous tenants leaving after a month, but I can't remember exactly what it was… plus her ACTING is just BAD OFF!!!
I am scared
i enjoy watching your videos.
Hey dark moose your videos are great and scary but I loved them a lot!❤
Ugh hearing your narration voice is such a breath of fresh air… I can't stand the voice of most of the white dudes 🥴
at the beginning i thought this was a spanish version
day : 😄😁😆 Night : 💀💀💀
the ghost thought she was taking too long on her wish so he stole it😂
😮 good vidios … but the dolls are really scary i hate dolls …. thank y
My god your voice fits perfectly with this vids why is Ur vids Poppin at night.
I can't wait for new video ❤❤❤
My brotha with another upload 🙌🙌🙌👻👻👻
When i hear your voice it creeps me out your voice judge the video and it is awesome
I don't like jump scares thats his speciality
Under 1 hour people 👇
WOAH WOAH add this short
Hey guys Jason the guy who played as Jay station 3am he knows the true I have picture and all the guys in on the sex they All have big get together and have Sex and don't you guys can't BS around with me the other popple you can lie to but your friends Charlie and Rob and Jason told me and I promise you guys I know what I'm talking about and so do they and Jason know this is not over I promise you guys I promise
The teacher really said I'm out of here
I sub bro
That doll moving and pulling the kid is crazy creepy. To hell with those lifelike dolls…….
Bro that doll i can littarly throw it aut of the window
Ummmm im comefused
-for fucking no reson its like this
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCan someone tell me are these videos real or fake because I don’t want to get pulled under my bed because I looked at a doll funny
5:16 I thought that was a toy 😭
What the fuck
Man i got a nightmare 😨
love your channel bro
Thanks darkmoose 😊
Serigo ramos Pepe Maldini 🗿
Ghost & spirit 😭
Brooo im a big fan i love your vids keep up!😊
You’re my #2 favorite horror video channel darkmoose, my first place is Bizarrebub though I’ve been watching his channel since forever now
I dont hear the last one
I like horror 🖤
The first clip I see someone in the hallway then it zoomed into that area.. strange
Love ur vids bro keep up the good work!!
The second one is so creepy
Nothing makes me more happy than coming home from school ready to watch a new darkmoose video
yea I don't think the #4 video is real… how did the Mom NOT hear her daughter screaming at the top of her lungs but can hear her calling for Mommy VERY QUIETLY??? And those glitches in the video are just a LITTLE BIT TOO CONVENIENT … it cuts out the ENTIRE interaction she has with her daughter … like 'why were you calling for me?" "why were you under the bed?" "why are you scared?" … every part of the video that would show the ACTING SKILLS of both the Mom and the Daughter are just conveniently GONE….
And the second clip when she's looking under the bed… you're telling me she didn't see that doll BEFORE the camera did??? Her eyes can only see what the camera sees??? And WHY TF did she pan the camera under the bed SOOO FRIKKIN SLOW??? WHO DOES THAT????
Finally she didn't have a very good explanation/story about everything… when I saw this on other channels they showed clips of her talking about the history of the house and I remember she screwed up something about the previous tenants leaving after a month, but I can't remember exactly what it was… plus her ACTING is just BAD OFF!!!
I am scared
i enjoy watching your videos.
Hey dark moose your videos are great and scary but I loved them a lot!❤
Ugh hearing your narration voice is such a breath of fresh air… I can't stand the voice of most of the white dudes 🥴
at the beginning i thought this was a spanish version
day : 😄😁😆
Night : 💀💀💀
the ghost thought she was taking too long on her wish so he stole it😂
😮 good vidios … but the dolls are really scary i hate dolls …. thank y
My god your voice fits perfectly with this vids why is Ur vids Poppin at night.
I can't wait for new video ❤❤❤
My brotha with another upload 🙌🙌🙌👻👻👻
When i hear your voice it creeps me out your voice judge the video and it is awesome
I don't like jump scares thats his speciality
Under 1 hour people
WOAH WOAH add this short
Hey guys Jason the guy who played as Jay station 3am he knows the true I have picture and all the guys in on the sex they All have big get together and have Sex and don't you guys can't BS around with me the other popple you can lie to but your friends Charlie and Rob and Jason told me and I promise you guys I know what I'm talking about and so do they and Jason know this is not over I promise you guys I promise
The teacher really said I'm out of here
I sub bro
That doll moving and pulling the kid is crazy creepy. To hell with those lifelike dolls…….