Brazil is Sinking in seconds! Crazy Floods Underwater Airplanes Cars houses in Rio Grande do Sul Ep8

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A devastating flood that swept through Brazil has left an indelible mark on the nation’s history. The scale of the devastation was so immense that it was described as the worst climate disaster ever to strike southern Brazil. natural disasters caught on camera monster flash floods caught on camera in Brazil. he floods also forced the closure of the main airport in Porto Alegre, the country’s fifth-largest city. Flood in brazil today flooding in brazil southern brazil floods rio grande do sul flooding. The dam or bridge, located between the municipality of Cotiporã and the city of Bento Gonçalves, collapsed after days of relentless rain.
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About the Author: Max Plus


  1. Con người tàn phá thiên nhiên.bây giờ thiên nhiên giận dữ đòi lợi nam mô a Di Đà Phật nam mô a Di Đà Phật nam mô a Di Đà Phật 👏

  2. Brazil always floods. They call the Amazon a RAIN Forest for a reason….Duh. I measured it rain 7 inches in a few hours there, 20 years ago. The locals there say there are two seasons. One where it rains most of the day and the other season is where it rains all of the day.

  3. 後先考えず、アマゾンのジャングルを焼き払い、セラード迄破壊する所業の報いだよ。剰え、金の採掘で水銀を垂れ流す。先が無いね!!!

  4. Not our nation but there's, This what happens when YOU THINK u can KEEP PLAYING WITH GOD THE Almighty !!!!((( JUST GO HAVE ANOTHER SATIN PARAIDE, MAYBE HE SATIN UR FATHER CAN HELP😫🫵🙌💯💯💯🤣

  5. É parece que o nosso planeta já cansou dessa civilização e deu game over, e iniciou o protocolo de extinção, não adianta tentar fugir pras montanhas ou cavernas ser bom ou mau pq no final vai tudo pro mesmo saco.

  6. Payez Maintenant La Déforestation à Outrance, Urbanisation Anarchique, Bétonnage des Côtes et des Berges, Détournement des Cours d’eau etc. J’espère que Toutes les Cultures sur Les Terres Volées et Brûlées soient définitivement Perdues en guise de Revanche de La Nature

  7. Нужно дать наше матушки отдохнуть . Нужно остановить всё на земле или закончим печально всё. Все машины и все добычи газа и нефти нужно остановить

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