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⭐ Check Out More Of Reed’s NDE Near Death Experience 👉 DEATH: A Compilation of Transformative Near-Death Experiences
Today’s NDE afterlife experience is from Reed Moores. After a typical day Reed went to sleep and found himself in a tunnel with many others that understood they all had died. He was shown many things that changed his perspective and understanding of life and death.
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what confuses me is how can this be true when so many other people have hell experiences?
This guy is completely awesome
He said “I’m gonna have to ask about the Jesus situation” 😂
There are three types of people in this world (acording to Paul). We are all preparing ourselves for occupations in the eternal world that we chose before we were born. I believe that nde will be different for each of them.
❤😊🙏 thank you ♾️
We are spirits enclosed in physical bodies, earth is home to evil spirits.
There are only 2 spiritual masters=Good & Evil.
God sent spirits=souls to schools for training, so there are many levels/dimensions/grades of spirits, it is better not to bother dead men's spirits=>3rd graders call 5th graders for protection.
Spirits without body are mere thoughts & powerless, so evil spirits are seeking every chance to sneak into our body, so we need to be filled with Good spirits to block out evil spirits=we have to be mindful of our every thought: 99% of my thoughts are evil/arrogant/jealous/selfish/greed/covet=I wish I can have your 5 acre beautiful home etc.
Bible is the book of God Good spirits, in many places, bible mentions magic/miracles that witches/wizards can perform, but only God's spirits are PURE good & holy, only if we filled with God's spirits can we protect ourselves from dirty spirits=demons, even Hitler is not 100% evil, & Hitler's soul is not 100% clean as God/Jesus, so if we invite/pray other people's spirits into our body, we will do many crazy bad things.
Bible has been misinterpreted by lots men who are hijacked by evils, whose main purpose is to enter our mind & hijack our mind & body, if we are filled with only Jesus' soul then we can perform gigantic miracles as Jesus did=resurrect dead & heal all physical & mental ills.
All books except bible are about demons. Secular laws/rules/science are made by demons for demons=Americans are very lawful, we strictly/literally follow laws/rules/science but ignore God's law of love because we lack God's spirits.
Nature is a teaching aid for us to understand God's spirits=>put us in God's shoes to take care of our plants/animals/kids. Cruel/merciless/Loveless/consciousless animals are our reflections, but kids/animals/plants can be trained to be very loving/obedient/loyal/fruitful to us.
Jesus is God in human body=in our shoes to demonstrate how we should be filled with God's spirits & rely on God alone to return to God's home.
God of course doesn't like his kids suffering in hell, he suffered & sacrificed himself to beg us to go back to pain-free paradise.
All human beings are born revering God & humble, but arrogant/narcissistic spirits/culture/tradition/idols in our home/country immediately hijacked us & make us crazy demons.
Regardless how Thai people love animals, but none of them dare to invite all dirty rats/chks/pigs into their home & share the same home & bed & dinner table with them=>God wants to share his home with us but we will convert heaven to bloody Gaza as soon as we get into it.
The purpose of life is to use Jesus' spirit to replace our dirty spirits, after many levels/dimensions purifications until we become perfect to enter God's heaven.
God is extremely patient=gave us 6000 years to get clean, but we are completely astrayed & turned away from God.
Somehow, it sounds more like a OOBE to me.
I think the title of the video has been changed. It first said that he was told there is no religion. It’s such a shame because people are so controlled by religion. It shows me again the censorship that goes on and how we cannot express an option or idea without consequences. Why should this be hidden because it upsets people?
That’s how this realm traps you
Im an actor in a play? Oh, shit! I forgot my lines.
1 Timothy 4:10 — The New International Version (NIV)
10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
1 Cor 15:22
for even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive
1 John 2:2
New International Version
2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
I think I have watched near 50 of these podcasts. How can I share my NDE story? I will try looking in the description next, lol. Thanks
I’m kind of wondering you say that where you are all actors here on earth what about the ones that are dictators example would be Adolf Hitler or Saddam Hussein if they’re just actors do they not go to hell?
You never said what you died from?
Religion is the tool that certain people use to make you slaves on Earth…….if you could only imagine the Nuclear Power within you…….
You didn't die…u were dreaming 😂
truth well told. thanks for sharing bro.
This guy is lying
He is making it all up.
What a wonderful man. Gratitude 🙏
“Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6 NLT
I have done loads of research on these NDEs and those who have been clinically dead. My best answer is satanic entities hijack those having an NDE – it is all deception, where people return telling you it is okay to keep on doing what you are doing. However, those who have clinically died, tell a very different story, that white light at the end of the tunnel they are gravitated towards (that NDEs don't get near as not dead) changes from white to orange/red (fire pits) as they get closer. The love and peace they feel also changes to terror and helplessness and the knowing they are in a dark realm and going to hell, there is nothing they can do and they have a knowing that they deserve it. If you were a Bible reading Christian you would be aware of the deception, yes you are correct, religion doesn't matter and can lie, but the Bible does not. I urge you to look deeper into this before making conclusions that life on this planet is all about 'experience' with no consequences. Spirituality is satanic, white magic and is the deception, or a major form of anti-christ. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. I urge you all to DO YOUR RESEARCH, apply critical thinking. The path is straight and narrow, not wide and all inclusive.
It's not just a play😊
If his mom was living in Florida how could she talk to him if she was not dead and living far away? Then he says he is in the tunnel but lately he is in his room and pick up a book? Wasn't he in a spiritual realm? This is the first time that I hear that somebody who passed to the other side pick up a material thing like a book. If you´re in the spirit realm you can't pick an object from your room. Then he says he feels sad seeing his stuff around and then he feels happy? And then he wants to go to his own funeral to make a sign to show people that he was there or to scare people? And then he didn't want to cross over because what people will think of him? Because of reputation??? This guy is a liar! All this is just something he made up, it doesn't sound like a genuine after death experience. Just listen all bullshit he says at the end of the story when he "wakes up" Bro is a liar period.
after seeing this I KNOW I DIED BEFORE, I had a car accident when I was a kid, I open the car door and fell out the car hit my head, they rush me to the hospital. I KNOW NOW. I had some of the EXACT SAME THINGS HAPPEN, I NEVER EVEN SPOKE TO ANYONE ABOUT THESE THINGS I KEEP IT TO MYSELF. I ALWAYS KNEW GOD WAS THERE IN MY LIFE. I NEVER QUESTION IT NOT EVEN FOR A SECOND.
You know how our character's are our fate?
Well, imagine a handful of characters that attempt to enlighten their fellow apes about how we're not really a bunch of apes and then having your lives and teachings turned into religions over and over again in every culture you find yourself born into while no one is the wiser on how most religions are connected from a singular source!
Example: Krishna who later reincarnated as Yeshua would make Hinduism and Christianity extensions from that same character or how Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Patanjali, Nagarjuna, Muhammad, Goraknath and Nanak and several dozen others come from the same character that still resides on this planet because they made the decision in a former life to make sure all other characters ascend before themselves!
What a jumble of drama!!!
Wait a minute…
First you were in a tunnel, and then you were in your room on Earth again….
Nothing new nor convincing… As far as NDE's go and the afterlife. Maybe one day we will be given a convincing clue. Until now I remain unconvinced that this is anything but a episode within the mind.
I noticed these people do not fear death anymore after they experience death
Jesus is the truth.
7 minutes in… this guy went to bed and had a dream. no proof of death…. he probably has sleep apnea….
This was a powerful testimony. WOW, We are all actors in a play on earth! That is deep! I can believe GOD and the Angels look down at us the same way we look at television and plays. LOL WOW, thanks for sharing! You definitely described heaven. WOW, when we close our eyes and go to sleep we die. We definitely enter other realms while we are sleeping and have real-life experiences in those dreams. I believe him. What he shared about that is biblically correct.
"I am" the Alpha and the Omega. Meaning that I am the beginning and the end of the the play based on separation and duality. The game of us and them. The universe wanting to experience separation. For one to come to that realisation while still incarnate is what one would term a spiritual awakening or for better words a remembrance of my true nature. God doesn't step into solve the problems of the world, God "you" created the game or the play of separation to then awaken from the dream. Ultimate contraction and then an experience of expansion. So you are the redeemer, the one sent of him/her self coming to a realisation to then no longer fuel the energy of separation but one of love. To no longer side with any"thing", to simply be the observer and calling all others to do the same and to free themselves from the masquerade party. Much love to all here. xx
The thing I don’t understand about these NDE situations is that some people say we choose our lives before we are born. If that is the case, why do people choose a life of murder and other sin? Why do people choose to spend the majority of their life in a jail cell? It just doesn’t make sense.
True religion is there is a Creator, that Creator is Love, that Creator has personality, therefore our Father in Heaven. Part of that Divinity incarnated in the human Jesus of Nazareth, the perfect life, the perfect teacher, the perfect friend, brother, Father.
Virtually all 'religions' were organised for one purpose – to control people and make money in the process! That's why there's a bishop on each side of the king and queen on a chess-board.
This aligns with my nde. There was no religious BS in mine either.
check out Bryan Melvin's testimony… he saw atheists arrive in hell who didn't realize they were in hell. Demons showed them a false environment because there was a good chance the atheist would be returned to life. They don't want to scare you to Jesus and lose you forever. Instead they'll tell and show you whatever you want to see until they know they have you for eternity. May Jesus save you all before it's too late.
OK, say there is no religion, but there is salvation, and it's only obtained through Jesus' death on the cross as payment for our sins. There is only ONE Mediator between God and man – the Man Christ Jesus.
I Timothy 2:5. There is NO OTHER WAY to God.
If i ever venture far enough into death, to reach the gate; I'm going through it. And I'm not looking back to this terrible place.
I believe that there’s no religion on the other side. Gods not religious.
How did he pick up a book without hands?
Religion is something “man” came up with. I’m a spiritual person but I’ve never been religious. I’ve had 2nde’s & I think most religious people have it wrong.
But why did he see his mother in the tunnel, when she is living in Florida?
actually no one ever return from real death.
I used to say this, There is no religion we are here to just play and enjoy life.
His experience is so typical of those who've "died" briefly and returned. The lights, the sensation of being transported, feeling perfect, pure, unconditional love, fearless, belonging to another realm, not to earth, that everything on earth is predestined (like a play), material possessions meaningless. When my dad was near death in the hospital, he told us about seeing deceased relatives calling to him from the other side of a bright light.