Today’s video is a follow up to my previous video on the ‘5 Most Graphic Elevator Deaths Caught on Camera.’ I decided to make a version where there are less fatalities and graphic clips to help prevent any age restriction (18 +) on the video. If you enjoy the video and are interested in more of this kind of content, please like, subscribe, and share the video to make the channel as visible as possible. This channel specializes in scary true stories, countdowns, compilations, and true crime content. They are mostly collected from news websites, Reddit forums and other YouTube channels. Thank you very much for the support.
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5 MOST SHOCKING Elevator Deaths
5 MOST TRAGIC Deaths of All Time
5 MOST PAINFUL Deaths of All Time
RUTH PRICE – SCARIEST 911 Call of All Time
BEAR ATTACK – Russian Teen Makes FINAL Call To Mom
JOHN JONES – Caver Gets Stuck Upside Down and Dies
college student elevator death
student elevator death
elevator deaths 2020
chinese student death
death in elevator
death in elevator boston
elevator crushes man
elevator accident fall
elevator accident free fall
elevator accident death
elevator accident deaths
graphic elevator
graphic elevator deaths
graphic deaths
top 5 elevator deaths
deaths caught on gopro
near deaths caught on gopro
worst elevator accidents
chinese college student
2:20 Can we talk about the guy who's just standing there in disbelief? 😂-
The way he walked fearlessly to his death 😳
Bro what if the stairs break and kill someone-
I noticed a lot of common sense deficiencies in this video.
Ngl. I laughed at #5
Why did I just so this to myself?
I am officially traumatized now…
Ok so, I actually had an accident in a lift this morning and it stopped abruptly and I was crying my eyes out for half an hour
Classic subpar Chinese infrastructure.
Elevator made in China is good 👍 👍
I'm not likeing this stop sending videos it's given me heart attack
This reminds me why I should always take the stairs instead of elevators and escalators
Dude SHUT the fuck up STOP talking and play the videos we don't need your endless commentary we can see what's happening
Heart: please I dont wanna watch this anyway!
brain: Lets keep watching im curious
Trauma: Hello!
overthinking: wassup gang?
anxiety: Yooo!
I get this is a sad topic, but in the first one the girls just there like “Whats going on? Why am i flying?”
It’s funny, people always mention China’s poor safety and maintenance laws (which absolutely is a thing), but a lot of these instances can be attributed to people just being jackasses/parents being negligent.
Most of these are just people being stupid. Why on earth would you walk into an empty elevator shaft?
China is just 🗑 fake everything, stolen design, nothing good abt it
The 4th clip actually originated from Chile
Some of them are just impatient 🙄
That number 4 is absolutely insane I’m surprised he was okay
The elevators in Asia are cursed
Made in China
if you look at ANY industrial/heavy machinery accidents caught on CCTV or the like a good solid majority come from china. the country where no one gives a tinkers damn about human lives and any HHS initiatives would be like installing smoke alarms in hell.
what it must be like living in a shithole where humans are as disposable as the knock-off electronics. funfact; in china if you maim someone in an accident you have to pay all their medical bills and upkeep on their quality of life. if you KILL someone in an accident you just pay a pittance to their families. there's a reason so many accidents in china are fatalities, or standers-by do NOTHING. if the accident is lethal they basically pay a fine and that's it, if it's grievous bodily harm they're responsible for your care and recovery bills. so do NOT expect someone in china to readily help you if you're in a real bad accident. they'll stand and wait to see if you're gonna die. lovely people, no?
2:34 bye bye
Mr. Lee. 😂 "I'll take the next one"
Poor 😱 ahhhhh
7:53 lmao
They say the best way to survive a elevator free fall is to lay down on the floor but you have to be quick about it.
Why is this age restricted
ok whoa first of all that's BS I have lived in China for 20 years and never encountered any of that. Just because you see "x" amount of videos coming from China about elevators doesn't mean its the entirety of the country. You are also talking about a country with billions of people so shit like this is bound to happen. Literally get citizen alerts all the time of elevators getting fucked up in NYC alone.
I nearly jumped out if my skin when Trump comes on the screen and shouts "China"
#6 and #8 are their luckiest day of being alive
Brothers from 1000 ways to die with them when they're fake man falls this fucking elevator broken fucking neck fucking anything and he died
It just HAD to be China
Omg that one video of the elevator gaining speed going up!! That was my fear when I was little!! So much so that I would start having anxiety attacks if I had to ride an elevator!
Well this doesn't surprise me(as far as China and elevator accidents) what do u expect coming from a country that enjoys eating dogs!!!
I'm sorry but most of these are not accidents, except for the one that crashed through the roof. They are all stupid people with no common sense.
“it cannot be a coincidence that over 80% of the clips i’ve shown of elevator fatalities and accidents have almost all been from china” you literally just admitted to purposefully including more videos from china