MOST DISTURBING Dashcam Videos EVER Filmed

MOST DISTURBING Dashcam Videos EVER Filmed
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These are 50 most disturbing, terrifying and scariest Dashcam videos ever uploaded to the Internet. In this video, I’ve explained the top 50 scariest Dashcam videos that I could find on the Internet.

I’ve been researching for scary dashcam videos from the past 2 weeks and I found about 500, these are top 50. I’ve also included some of the scariest clips from my previous dashcam videos. I hope you enjoy.

The purpose of this video is to educate viewers about the dangers of the world through the use of dashcam. All the clips included in this video have an educational purpose. It is important to clarify that this video is only intended for educational purposes. The main focus of this video is to provide educational content to the audience.


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About the Author: Just Kinjaz


  1. CARTELS??????? This is America tell me why WE ALLOW that to happen???? Millions and millions have invaded and what do we do…we allow it and GIVE THEM TAX PAYERS MONEY….those responsible in Washington should have the entire gangs of cartels to come visit THEIR HOMES.

  2. Quite a few of these people in the vids are game goofy as hell and lack common sense. Prevention is always better than cure folks.

  3. The thing about the woman being surrounded by guys wearing masks that pisses me off, is that asshole going into the building heard her scream and even looked to see what was happening, then ignored her screaming for help and went inside. That bastard is the chickenshit of the fucking year.

  4. As a Wisconsin resident myself I notice that people really don't know how to drive well. I see people speeding all the time, stopping at yield signs, blowing threw stop signs and then the weather gets bad like in the one part of the video. The road conditions can look like it did in the video in as little as 20 to 30 minutes depending on the storms severity. People will be driving acting like they there is no snow on the road when obviously there is then the wind blows up a smoke screen of snow and suddenly there's a huge pile up. I've never experienced anything like this myself but it has happened to my aunt. I drive by way too many cars in ditches in the winter. I wish they would learn to drive in this weather instead of being idiots.

  5. The criminals placing trees on the highway in order to kill the innocent trucker and steal his properties are in Calais, France, mostly from Northern Africa

  6. Hello! mexican here, just wanted to clear on the first video that wasnt a cartel, cartels dont give a f*** if that was the cartel the moment you star moving a meter to te back they would´ve shoot you death

  7. Very disturbing videos. The ones where thieves block the road. Also woman getting out of her car at night to move objects clearly placed there to create a road block. How unbelievably stupid and lucky for her she was not assaulted.

  8. It's getting worse by the day. The caretel is swarming into the US over open border and starting activities here. Hopefully our government will start caring about protecting us, our children, and those who jumped through all the hoops to be here legally. 🙏

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