Now Me Must Warn You,What You’re About To See Is Very Disturbing”& Graphic”And No Owners At Fault”They Don’t Like One Another”The Dog Broke Out Of House”& Crossed Street”& All Dogs R Ok Thank God”Just Wanna Add”Ran Out Of Space”On SD Card”& After What Guy Said Do With The Water”& The F Bombs”Glad It Did,,#33!Smile
Jente tan pendeja 😡😡😡
faut lui mètre une balle ou lui fracasser la tète au chien au mopin comme ca il vas lacher
Hombres son unas gallinas no poder soltar esos perros
I felt sorry for the fence.
No entiendo por que verga le pega al perro qe tienen mordido cuando debio darle sus vergasos al qe estaba afuera mordiendo
Ведро воды нужно налить им на голову собакам сразу отпустят
Jer se vi toliki debili šta gledati kako se kolju uzmeš kofu od 50 l vode i sipaš na njih ima da se razdvoje
Son monos…no piensan puro grito cero acción
Aficcie el animal Señor sino sabe cómo dominar un can no lo tenga es peligroso
"let him go"
you see the problem is he's already mutilated his face
dumb a$$ arabs
Who's keeping on saying let him go boy😂
He hitting the white dog the black and white one locked on
Dumb à ass don't know how to use a pry bar the water hose works
Me dying in laughter rn😊
Tava batendo no cachorro errado. Mesmo assim não é assim (tem que aperta a cintura dele ou uma ripinha na boca dele