Mama Pitties Are The Best Moms | The Dodo

Mama Pitties Are The Best Moms | The Dodo
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We have a huge soft spot for mama pitties ❤️

They love with their whole hearts — their dog and human families alike! We’re celebrating Mother’s Day with some of our favorite mama pitties ever.

To help more dogs like Blue, check out Real Time Rescue on Instagram: and Facebook: Special thanks to Cynthia for sharing her footage with us, check out more of her fosters on Instagram:

Keep up with Poppy on Instagram: Keep up with Kaya and Sefina on Instagram:

Special thanks to Jesse and RainCoast Dog Rescue for sharing their footage with us, you can check out more of their amazing rescue work on Instagram:

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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. While this is absolutely beautiful…I cant help thinking about all the pitties out there that need homes desperately. Breeding more seems irresponsible.

  2. This is how ignorant ppl are smh. He didn't know she was pregnant and thought he was over feeding her. A dog that had pertruding tit's was mistaken for over feeding.

  3. Thank you to everyone who rescued these sweet dogs, fostered them, and saved the lives of the moms and puppies! I had no idea that pit bulls could have 16 puppies; no wonder they are such a common dog!

  4. Yeah we have had multiple Chihuahua litters and nearly every time our dog either sat in my lap while giving birth or crawled up behind me on my pillow and started pushing the puppies out either way when she’s giving birth she want to be near me not my wife (which I think gets her irritated because the dog was supposed to be hers)

  5. Omg! Too adorable! Melts my heart. Such good Mamas. Shout out to the people who help these animals too. You guys are beyond amazing! Thank you!!

  6. All the pups are beautiful. She was a good mamma. Bless you and your wife for taking her and save them. Bless you always. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 🙏🏻

  7. Why are these pitties getting pregnant in the first place when they know they don't have means to take care of their multiple pupies. Where are the dads? Enough already. Then they will all depend on foodstamps🤣🤣🤣

  8. This is such a beautiful video, and perfectly exhibits the fundamentally loving and protective nature of American Pit Bull Terriers!

    It is so heartbreaking how they and similar breeds continue to be the targets of Breed Specific Legislation. There is nothing remotely biologically deficient about these varieties of dog. Any time one harms a human being or another animal, the blame almost invariably and exclusively rests upon an abusive breeder or owner.

    Clearly, there are very rare outlying cases where a specific dog suffers from some neurological deficiency, catalyzing vicious behavior. But such aberrations are by no means solely inherent to the Pit Bull family of breeds.

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