France is broken! All Europe is in prayers! A severe storm rages across the country

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France is broken! All Europe is in prayers! A severe storm rages across the country. Natural disaster 21 May 2024

An impressive hailstorm hit the city of Dijon and several villages in the department, transforming the landscape as seen in the video.
The episode was very short, lasting a maximum of around fifteen minutes, but the damage was regrettable.
Shops and hundreds of cars were damaged, with firefighters receiving 147 calls and intervening more than 40 times.
In Doubs, a heavy hailstorm also occurred, covering roads and surroundings with white marble-like hail.
The sudden storm left a significant impact on the affected areas, highlighting the power of nature.

Naturals hazards in 2023 have become more frequent. We do not know what awaits us in 2025. How global warming and climate change will affect our Earth. Watch the most current news about natural disasters on our channel.

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The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Mud, Landslide, Landslide, Avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster, Flood, Flood;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest.

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  1. 인간의 욕구가 전부만든재앙 더좋은것 더큰것 이웃간의 소유비교 이러한모든것이 지구를 이렇게만든것이다 조금만 흠집나도. 무조건새것 선호사상에물들어 지구가 정신을 못차리고죽어 가고있다 이미 골든타이을 놓친지가 오래되었다.이제는 전부 죽는길 밖에없는것이다 이것이 인간이 저질런재앙이다!!!!

  2. Ну, ничего неожиданного . Всё это предсказывали климатологи ещё в рождество 😂!
    А, ещё этим летом качественно затопит р-н Иль- де Франс 😂

  3. Ce n est que le début le pire arrive. Repentez vous maintenant . Pensez à Dieu et laissez un peu vos soucis d argent de politique etc.. de côté les temps difficiles arrivent. Que Dieu vous bénisse et vous aide à vous repentir. 😊

  4. فكلا أخذنا بذنبه فمنهم من أرسلنا عليه حاصبا ومنهم من أخذته الصيحة ومنهم من خسفنا به الأرض ومنهم من أغرقنا وما كان الله ليظلمهم ولكن كانوا أنفسهم يظلمون ﴾ [ العنكبوت: 40]

  5. they interfered and manipulated nature and now they call it climate change. They mess with our health and call it diseases. They poison our food with cancer-causing stuff and call it modern life.

  6. I feel for all the people. Abrupt climate change is now causing multiple severe weather events simultaneously across the globe. A day without severe weather is now rare. I pray for the entire human race and for all Life, which is now threatened.

  7. O Jesus Christ Son Of God have mercy on us all standing in need of Abba Father God's Devine Providence Intervention deliverance healing Mercy and Grace Amen 🙏 I Thank Thee Jesus Amen 🙏

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