Man Dies and came back with shocking truth | NDE | near death experience

Man Dies and came back with shocking truth | NDE | near death experience
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In this captivating video, we delve into the astonishing near-death experience of Michael, a tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
Join us as I will narrate his harrowing encounter with death, sharing the moments of fear, resilience, and ultimately, triumph. His story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of hope in the face of adversity.
This is a video you won’t want to miss. Watch until the end to uncover the full story and be inspired by Michael incredible resilience. And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more inspiring stories like this one. Hit that subscribe button now and join our community of hope and inspiration.

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About the Author: Golden Years Hub

1 Comment

  1. People I have all of the bible knowledge under my belt so I can comment on truthful things about this subject. I know how to properly Divide Scripture Dispensationally Which is very crucial for any New Born Again Believers to learn by the way. A New Christian should know that there is only One bible which is the 1611 King James Version, and the Updated version that had better printing technology was the 1769 better version of the original K. J. B which is the 1611. Must know that in the Old Testament that the bible Manuscripts were still be written by the inspiration of God's Holy Ghost, and when Jesus Christ started his ministry the book was still being written by the 12 Apostles, and then the last apostle who was the apostle to the gentiles who was Paul, and he was converted in the book of Acts in chapter 9 after the Jews rejected Christ when they Crucified him and then Stoned Stephen in Acts 7. Anyway there are New Messages from God today anymore, and the reason is that we've already got the 66 books in the bible that god wanted us to have and there is no new material for people today, and again that's because we already have what god wanted us to have from him. There are no new writings from God.

    Also in the Bible we have a place in the bible where Jonah went into Hell for 3 days, and then he was resurrected and spit back out of the whale. Then we have the Story of Lazereth where he was crying-out to Abraham from hell. Anyway just read the story. But today we already have those stories so we do not need false hell stories by people like Bill Weise and Mary k. Baxter. Also the story about where kid cultin Burpo went to heaven is also false. His Father I believe put him up to it for money. When you hear a-lot of false stories like these you can bet that there is money fueling that desire to lie. look at Jesse Duplantis he totally lied about going to heaven, but basically that is just because he had to have the support of a-lot of people from the church congregation in order to keep making money. mike Murdock, or Benny Hinn need their money coming in. also the false preacher Rod Parsley needs money coming in. These people need money most of all. The Faith Healer Oral Roberts lied to people to get money. Maybe with Oral there was a little-bit of Sincerity when he first started, but he knew that god would not support him financially so like many false teachers he thought that since he was a Christian that god would somehow understand, but he was wrong. There are a-lot of Christians who have backslid even though they in the beginning wanted to serve God, but when it comes to money people lie. but you can study the bible for yourself and then you'll know that there is no such thing as Prosperity in the Body of Christ today. The Old Testament Patriarchs God did prosper like Abraham, or King Solomon. Today God doesn't promise us any kind of prosperity in the Church Body of Christ. He always promised Prosperity in our Soul, and our peace of mind if we follow God. Today we must also believe in Christ for our salvation. Nevertheless Richard Roberts is not a real faith Healer just so you know. all his program is really about is money. now if a person gets healed in one of these fake healing crusades: and it probably does happen in some certain isolated cases —- so even though there may be fake healers one could get healed, and god may heal someone, but he is not promising anyone anything in this Age of Grace in the Gentile Church. We do not live in the time prophetically for Miracles today, but during the 7 year Tribulation Miracles are Resumed once again, but that is after the "Pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church".

    i warn people about false bible teachers like Benny Hinn, or Fred Price, or Robert Morris; or like Jesse Duplantis. There are a-lot of them so I won't go-on because I want this to be a short comment. There are people with false Heaven visit stories: people claiming to of been to heaven and come back with a message. There are false Hell visit stories like Bill Weise, and Mary K. Baxter. These are all false stories people. It is doubtful that people have even died and saw a light and came back to this world. In some cases there may be people who somehow see a light, but I believe that these are Satanic Demonic forces trying to deceive everybody into believing fake Heaven visits. Kat Ker is one of the False teachers, but I know that she is very convincing to people because of how she talks, but mark my words she is possessed by demons —- I know it's hard to believe, but once a person gets sound bible teaching they abandon that kind of stuff. But The bible Says that Satan can appear as an angel of Light, and so can his demons, and just like Evolution they Tell False stories to deceive people.

    Anyway now: look I can't even prove my Reincarnation for the Fallen Angels which in my opinion after they fell as angels originally they were perhaps Reincarnated many times as different Cryptids for thousands of years. Cryptids are moth-Man, or bigfoot; or Leprechauns, or Fairies; or like Ocean dwelling creatures with two legs. These creatures are real and people have spotted them so just take my word for it. Anyway I theorerized for some years now that these Cryptids probably were that first creation that god created with Satan the angels, and then they rebelled. Of course we in the church will be the replacement for these fallen angels just so you know. I got to thinking about he kid who claimed that he came from Mars: Well I thought that maybe god could of been giving him a chance to be saved after rebelling against god as an angel, but god gave him another chance in another life to give his life to him maybe. This is just my speculation though, plus I don't see any proof for it in the bible as of yet so I do-not endorse this idea myself because there is just not enough evidence for it yet. Plus I do not want to play around with other people's Eternal Lives: because if they believe something false they could go to hell for eternity, and I would not want that. But this idea about reincarnation really drives a hard Bargen it seems. I also thought that people may had been reincarnated in some isolated cases like the boy who had claimed to have worked on top of one of the towers at the 9/ 121c disaster. anyway I get these ideas from the Age of Grace where Paul was told by Christ to preach another gospel: which is the gospel of grace to the gentiles. Well I thought that perhaps reincarnation was maybe a part of Paul's grace-age gospel where God was giving gentiles now a chance to be saved since. Well if it is true: I really don't know if Reincarnation ends at the end of the dispensation of grace, or does it go all the way to the end of the 1000 Year millennial Reign of Christ on earth. Anyway I do not teach this because I cannot see evidence for it in Paul's gospel, nor in the bible in general —- not yet.

    Anyhow here are some good teachers that won't mislead you. Richard Jordan is very good. Bryan Denlinger is good. David Reid is good. Renald Showers is good: although he is dead now, but you can find him online here as well. Paul Lucas will set you straight on Scripture in General, and he is a little bit preachy but he means well and he is good: he would never mislead you. Paul Felter is very good. Justin Johnson is one of the best today along with Paul Felter and Paul Lucas. Oh Les Feldick is very fundamental and very good: everybody should listen to him especially newly born again Christians

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