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About the Author: Admin


  1. Wow this is surprising 😮. That was clearly a smaller species of bear. Idk if this was just a fluke in nature. But if this is the norm a tiger doesn’t want shit to do with a grizzly or Polar bear sheesh

  2. What kind of bear is that??! May God bless you all in the almighty name of Yeshua ha'Moshiach amen ❤ love to you all. Yehsua loves you more than you'll ever know. He loves you so much he took your sin upon Himself and took the death penalty that we all deserve. Turn to Yeshua. Put your faith in Him. Call on Him and put your full trust in Him. May His almighty will be done. He has always been with you and He will never leave you. Ever. ❤ Amen!

  3. A tiger has Zero chance against a Grizzly bear in its Prime and a tiger has a even worse chance against a Polar bear 🐻‍❄️ in its prime

  4. That is a female tiger for the 6 year olds saying that a grizzly could beat a tiger it couldn’t because tigers stay in pack of 3

  5. This is not a full grown adult tiger
    Look closely he is just a tiger cub!
    A full grown adult tiger weight can reached up to 1 metric ton.!
    And their bite force around 10000 PSI
    And there height is greater than a giraffe.

  6. In Africa : Lions hunting big elephants, giraffes, Jaguar, Chita, cap-buffalo etc.
    In Asia : tigers running away from a Sloth bear

  7. The Tiger ain’t no fool he’s super intelligent. He’s not gonna risk any injury in a fight. He’s a solitary big cat who does everything on his own in the jungle. Nobody’s got his back but himself which makes him the most dangerous big cat. I love Tigers mad respect for them. So beautiful 🐅❤️

  8. Los Tigres son los Felidos más inteligentes de todos, si se complica la comida es mejor retirarse sin rasguños, va ver otra presa más fácil, los Tigres son solitarios por lo tanto una herida grande puede ser su fin, así que no van a pelear si no es necesario, esto no quiere decir que los Tigres no pueden con este oso, el Tigre puede matarlo pero también sabe que va salir herido.

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