MP3 DOWNLOAD (click triple-dots, download/save as): https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/95538/traffic.megaphone.fm/ADL9065475753.mp3?updated=1715548529
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When was the last time we had a massive 12 hour compilation of skinwalker stories? Um, never! Let’s go!
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This mega compilation helps I'm currently living in a shelter….so the horror stories help me sleep at night so thank you so much
I put playback speed down to 0.75 its even more sleepier i love it
Considering the lack of kill count, skinwalkers must be the most harmless cryptids ever.
Hell yeah
Thank you Darkness,
Your stories are absolutely scary I love it keep it up you definitely keep us on the edges of the seat
DUDE!!! That story at like hour 7 till hour 7:30 is NUTTS
I think skinwalker stories may be the scariest for me.
Love listening to Darkness Prevails & the narrator just adds that extra magic touch to it all especially @ lullaby time😴 I'm in hospital atm with a view of the carpark dwn below & the hills in the distance awakening to rain..nice place to be @ 5:32am right now🤗
Is it just me, or do some of the stories repeat at the end? I swear I heard them in the beginning but I may have just watched a seperate video before this idk
It would be nice if you set a small counter on the screen, or some marker where one storie begins/ ends. Overall super nice vide thanks for the entertaiment keep going.
Thank you for this epic upload I've gotten 4 days so far outa this please keep up the amazing work your appreciated more than you know much love n big preesh ❤
Thank you for this massive compilation 🫶🏽
@Darkness Prevails how many Skinwalkers did you attract so far? 😄
I got a great story darkness prevails it’s called goblin of the autumn fall by Ryan
It goes it was 1995 fall in Massachusetts USA Boston I was coming back from school the bus dropped us back a5 a corner because the we had a house with a steep driveway the bus couldn’t drop us off there so we got dropped off at 4:30 school usually finishes around 4:00 where we are I was with my little sister shy was 5 and I was 12 we usually take that quiet street next behold it got dark dark around 5:00 but not quite black darkness as m6 sister and I were walking we could see in the trees a strange figure now we do often get people spying on houses throw the bush but the strange thing about the figure is it had a long pointy nose it was crouching forward with its knees bent with glowing red eyes and long finger nails it resembled as dobby Harry Potter elf but the were I saw it it only resemble as a goblin now I have heard rumours about a strange tail folklore that there is a goblin that comes in fall and is said to have kidnapped kids and eat them and a specially adults we were terrified of what we saw the thing was standing there but then when a bus went pass it was gone we rushed home and we gpcould never forget that autumn day of that man goblin thing what ever it is I hope this story interests you people.
I love skin walker stories!
Darkness has really been the highest quality narrator for horror stories on the internet for nearly a decade 💯
Ya know, it's one thing for a person to mistakenly misidentify a skinwalker, but to sit there and say Google told you a skinwalker is what it most definitely is not just makes the story 100x more unbelievable than it already is.
@DarknessPrevails yourself and swamp dweller are my absolutely favorite when it comes to narration!!! I appreciate your talent sooo much❤
The opening caught me off guard, "what is this? 12 hours of skinwalker goodness!" Lol
I can't believe that their aren't more people out there who's day was made when this got dropped. 12 hours of the best story teller and scary stories?? What more do you need in life
LMAO I forgot the MP3 link! Here ya go <3 https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/95538/traffic.megaphone.fm/ADL9065475753.mp3?updated=1715548529
My favorite storyteller to listen to while I do house chores or taking a nap 😴
Maybe that wolf was trying to scare you guys off so you wouldn't get stuck in the avalanche
Darkness…..THIS IS THE BEST EVER!!! Thank you!!
I love nobody knows what an actual skinwalker is these days
Darkness: Feels like he is lazy for doing a combination
His Communuty: Jokes on you, were into this s***
32k people have enjoyed this too and I feel validated somehow
2:26:26 had me jump up out of bed in a panic. Crazy…
Yes!!! We need more of this this is a all day listen thank you for giving us the sweet nightmare to sleep to keep up the great work
DARKNESS PREVAILS, is your new book going to talk about all of the cryptids in the Appalachian Mountains ?
Interesting and mesmerizing. I was really scared of those rascals.Very long and scary…..
12 hours?! Darkness you spoil us!
Man…"native americans" like to always remind you abt how they know about things we don't like Google doesn't exist. Also like the act like bc they r 15 year old "native americans" that they just got the forest and wilderness all figured out lmao