Most Horrific Natural Disasters Caught on Dashcam
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This video showcases various natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods, filmed on dashcams. While the scenes may be intense and visually striking, we would like to reiterate that there were no serious injuries resulting from the events shown. We do not include this type of footage.
This video is intended for educational and informational purposes, we hope to raise awareness and promote preparedness by highlighting the power and unpredictability of nature. It is not intended to sensationalize or minimize the impact of these events on individuals and communities.
► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements
For any and all copyright matters, please email me directly at UnderworldCopyright@gmail.com
Unless otherwise created by Underworld, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources; https://pastebin.com/w3TAntts
Underworld is creating the best new educational videos about the lesser known stories from around the world. We post Top 5’s, Top 10’s, Caught on Camera and much more! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to never miss an upload!
The dashcam footage of the Taiwan earthquake revealed an interesting detail. The shaking itself came in a series of shakes, indicative, perhaps, of how the different kinds of waves generated by the 'quake travel at different speeds. This is best seen by observing the bus: I thought I detected four distinct bouts of shaking, with one in decline as the next arrived.
The advent and spreading use of dashcams may provide more information than just driving habits, good or bad, over time. Certainly, they've produced ground level visual research material for tornados and other types of storm for the last few years, and even captured an atmospheric meteor explosion. Whilst they may not provide anything of use during a volcanic eruption, it might be a good notion to gather up as much footage of earthquakes as they strike vehicles, from all the dashcams that can be found or recovered. Perhaps such material can help in making roads safer when earthquakes strike.
I love how the firefighters have at least 5 full seconds of watching their coworkers back up, escaping the flames(I can even hear them say, here it comes!) and they just watch them back up into them LMAO
The Clarksville Tornado Was SO Bad. I Watched As My Friend's House Tore Up From Their Driveway Camera.
i cnat see at 9:50
your friend: what are you going to do for new year?
There’s literally a whole deceased person crushed in the car at 4:36 lol
Hop out of your trk, Hop all the way to safety
That first trucker was wise to stop driving and stay put.
I can't believe you included Ida on here, and the terrifying tornado outbreak it spawned in PA. I'm from the area and went through this storm… On a bicycle. This is the craziest thing that's ever happened to me.
I was working at a nearby Trek store at the time. I rode my bicycle in to work, about a 15mi mostly flat commute along the river. I knew we were supposed to get stormy weather that day, but I was downplaying it, and thought I could just leave before it got bad.
Well, it got bad, and it got bad immediately. There was spotty clouds and rain throughout the day, then it started pouring. Minutes later, the local creeks around us overflowed into the parking lot, and started seeping into the store. I SWEAR TO GOD one customer still came in and asked if we were open.
We left minutes after that, me on my bicycle. It was a Trek FX 4, and I felt confident that once I got out of the valley I could just ride home like through any other rain I've done in the past.
Well, I was very wrong. All of the local streets were flooding and gushing with water from the creek. Many cars tried passing through flooded areas only for their engines to smoke and their cars to get totaled and stuck. I had to find a way out, fast.
I ended up walking through a foot of rushing water, which was scary enough. Got to the paved river trail and immediately got a flat tire. Took like 20 minutes to fix. I was trying to get home as fast and as safely as I could.
About halfway through, the trail dips down about 25 feet into a little roundabout. It was 3-4 feet under stagnant water, just outside the sewer treatment plant. It was my only way home. I refused to be on the busy roads with all the chaos. So I waded through God knows whatever was in that.
At this point it was getting dark, and there's just tons of stagnant water several inches deep, with tons of debris underneath. I was so nervous about getting another flat tire and being one step closer to walking the rest of the way. My lights also started dying then. Turns out even my waterproof lights can only handle so much water. I had a backup pair and had to keep an eye on battery.
I made it to my suburb and had to climb a huge hill. I tried one of the forks in the road, but there were several trees down. Made me realize that I was lucky that the only trees down on the trail I was able to walk over.
After over 2 hours, I finally made it home. Soaked to the bone. Bike totally gnarlied. And it was only afterwards that I learned of the Horsham tornado only a few miles away from me when I had been riding. Several other tornadoes surrounded the area as well shortly after I had left work. I was really counting my blessings that I made it home alive.
The river crested sometime overnight I think. I've actually been trying to find the data on exactly WHEN it crested, because it could have easily overflowed its banks while I was on the river trail, and I would have for sure been dead.
Sorry for the long ramble. Just wanted to share. Always wear a helmet and don't be a complete dumbass.
21:45 i feel so bad for these people and who ever was still in there cars, they only had a minute or two to process what happened and get out of the road
I knew that the blue was fire…
I see a lot of people complaining about the Florida man but let’s be honest if any of us was in the theme situation we would want to get away. I’m not saying what he did was right, but sometimes you just panic.
As a Florida man , most do, my wife and I we're traveling through south west Georgia, an I mean out of nowhere where we had a gully washer like no other I had experienced and with a Georgia State Tropper on our behind, I believe we became brothers that day, and not a word passed, just a smile and a thumbs up! Both ways!
Taiwan handled that Earthquake like a boss🔥🔥 They were prepared for what was gonna happen is THATS WHY THEYRE THE GOATT🐐 🥶
Dude drives directly into a tornado instead of just stopping and letting it pass, then complains about cars stopping in his way. Take his license away. This secere of stupidity shouldnt be on the road.
In the last clip, htf did all those drivers not see the pile of cars in front of them?? Its like they intentionally crashed and other drivers just followed suit. I mean how oblivious can you be??? In bad weather/ slick pavement you SLOW DOWN just for situations like trhis.
3:41 imaging whats the people thinking on the cars that got hit
That Florida man was a dumbass and talks like he was on meth
As a floridian, dude was in fact the dumbass. Like how you gonna whip your car around like that. Those people were being careful and watching where the tornado was headed. Smh.
Peak Florida man
Might be a shock to some, but Florida also has tornadoes
I mean the Florida guy had a point, why would you stop in the middle of a tornado instead of trying to get as far away from it as possible lol
as an ex-floridian, that was the most florida response to a tornado
I remember that tornado in Tennessee! I was home alone when it happened, and it scared the shit out of me. Luckily it didn't hit me
as an Aussie it hurt my soul to hear the narrator say "In Australia they have brush fires". what the f is a brush fire? they're called bushfires
😎😎😎 13:43
imagine hearing sounds of sirens disappearing into the smoke only to suddenly cut off after a bit.. that'd be pretty haunting 😱 much respect for firefighters, especially the ones who have to deal with the wildfires
Yall its florida what u expect🤣 no common sense at all😭😭
The nature getting burned that's the white race doing it