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Unbelievable footage | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry
Most Viral Natural disasters caught on camera! A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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와우! 그냥 태풍이 아니라 하늘이 내리는 천벌을 같아요 이런건 누가 찍었는지 대단해요 새전처음 보는데 두려움이 앞섭니다 부디 살아남으시길 바래요
quando vistes estas coisas acomtecerem, eis que a minha vota estar proxima dis o senhor
evanjelho de s.mateus capt.24 nao ficara pedra sobre pedra q. nao sejas derrubada pois tudo cera destruido o tenpo das nascoes xegou ao fim o mundo n.cera o mesmo comvertam e ce arrependam
asim como nos dias do diluviu varreu a todos asim cera
No agir da mão de Deus não há impedimento.esta escrito na palavra todos estes sinais que estao acontecendo no mundo.e da terceira guerra mundial,
😮왜??? 자연은 죄를 많이 지은자 한데 유독 가혹할 까요!???@@😢😢
대대 후손 대재앙이~~
Ini baru permulaan, yg lebih dasat akan datang, kalou manusia tidak bertobat. Sisimping yg gila itu berani melawan Tuhan Yesus, salip di buka ganti dengan bendera. Gereja di buka, umat kristen di ancam berebadah. Tempat tempat pembenci kristus akan di hakimi
НЕ судный день, а климатическое оруДие. В каждую страну свой подарок. Крепитесь, Люди.
Misericórdia Jesus Cristo 😢
Yaitu org org tlanjang ke gulung semua
Kerugian masal semua uang terbang semua
Itulah kuasa allah
Mantap musibahnya
Конец света или распад Китая, чтобы не смотрели на чужие территории.
Эта начала ещё за уйгуров Нади будет атвечат
Какой Всевышний,идиотизм.Это природа,законы физики никто не отклонял,идет переформатирование климата в планетарном масштабе,это было до людей и будет после нас,мы человечество атом во Вселенной,примите это как данность,никак это кара бога.😊
não se deve , atribuir acontecimentos ruim com as coisas de Deus ! que só amor e vida , e não morte e sofrimentos , isso ! coisa de forças contrária a Deus !.
e preso ! fazer um estudo , para acabar com os tornados , antes q estes tornados acabam com as cidades !
tem q evitar q Eli toque o chão !
usar extitor de incêndios ou augumas coisa como sal grosso , ou outra coisa , mais e presso agir , sobre estás acontecimento !.
Itu tandanya negeri ini BUANYAK orang JAHAT DAN SOMBONG
Are we witnessing the consequences of climate change as natural disasters become more frequent and severe worldwide?
สงสารจังเลยถ้าเปนเราคงช็อกตายหนาวเหน็บ น้ำตาไม่มีจะไหลพูดไม่ออก ได้แต่สงสารเจ็บปวดหัวใจไปด้วย ถึงอย่างไรก็สู้ สู้ สู้นะเพื่อเอาชีวิติรอด สมัยนี้มันเกิดยากนะถ้าไม่ดีจริง สงสารนะสงสาร
Justru tuhan memperlihatkan existensi nya kpd manusia2 kafir .dan komunis .yg gak percaya adanya tuhan yg mengatur alam semeta ini .ok .
Apa bedanya dgn penyembah manusia .
Natural disasters are cruel manifestations of nature's power. They leave deep wounds but also inspire unity and compassion. Through hardship, humans learn lessons in patience, sacrifice, and the value of life. They remind us of human insignificance in the face of nature's resilience.
Insya Allah dgn musibah berkelanjutan yg menimpa terus terusan pada manusia kafir komunis tiongkok akan segra berganti generasi menjadi manusia beriman dan beramal soleh yg mengantar Rahmat Allah buat kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh alam.Amiyn.
What? God die
Çin in doğu türkistandak yaptığı zülmün karşılığı Yüce Allah onları helak etsin 🤲🤲🤲
Misericórdia meu Deus 😳
God is very angry with China. China has caused a lot of trouble and they know what I mean drugs God does not like this. You’re selling drugs all over the world now he’s making you suffer sorry but it’s true. God works in mysterious ways. This is not climate change this is God is doing this thank you, you have to learn by your mistakes. You should be kind and good to people so they’re trying to destroy people so he’ll destroy you first. God will
China sob ataque HAARP…
The wrath of GOD is coming to the ungodly, idolaters and wicked people! Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊Repent, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again