Man Saves Tons Of Venemous Snakes As A Hobby | The Dodo

Man Saves Tons Of Venemous Snakes As A Hobby | The Dodo
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@Irelandrbi rescues venomous snakes from people’s homes in his free time!

He told us why what he does is so important 💚


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. Btw: Most of these snakes he wrangles are invasive to the United States, but the ones that are native, he releases. The rest he re-homes or keeps himself.

  2. And that’s how it’s done. People are afraid of what they don’t understand, and as someone who loves and has snakes, they’re beautiful and fascinating creatures.

  3. Oh my god, that would have taken me over if I had seen that snake wrapped around my dog's mouth. Oh this is so unnerving to me. Bless him for being able to do that.

  4. I love gopher and bull snakes! They put on an impressive defensive display but are completely harmless and very docile once they know you won't hurt them.
    I had a bull snake as a pet for many years.

  5. Snakes are just scared it's sad people think that they're just mindless killing machines in reality they're just defending themselves they don't kill animals and people for fun it's called defense and survival

  6. Omg 😂 I thought he was talking to the dog and I was waiting to see him comforting the dog, not completely ignoring him for the snake 🐍

  7. Gopher snakes are the golden retriever of snakes. Just whoops, thus dog caught me, guess I'll stay here and not bite. Whoops, this stranger is squishing me through a small hole, guess I'll stay here and not bite.
    Truly one of my favorite snakes to come across in the wild!

  8. Every year a snake goes from the woods behind our house to the bushes in our front yard to nest. The babies chill there until they feel safe to travel back to the woods. They’re good climbers so they would climb up through the bushes and eat invasive beetles.

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