Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos To Give You Da’ BUBBLEGUTS

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Nuke’s Top 5 SCARIEST videos of scary GHOSTS caught on camera, but it’s a TOP 10 ! Creepy supernatural activity caught on camera that will give you the chills. A countdown of paranormal activity and apparitions in abandoned places. Are these real ghosts? You decide…

A Japanese ghost hunter captures some scary video, s creepy shadow figure in a haunted house, some evp s a creature in a shed, an apparition in a haunted place, and more great paranormal investigations and footage. Some great paranormal and poltergeist investigations.

Traversa Russian paranormal video:

If you enjoyed this video, you should also check out these other Nuke’s Top 5 parnormal video lists 5 GHOSTS That SCARED Ghost Hunters ! Top 5 NEW Scary Ghost Videos
And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !
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  1. The whole abandoned train yard vid was so dramatic and over the top I couldn’t even endure it . Also Isabella , settle down ok it’s not that serious 🧐

  2. You can't call yourself a paranormal INVESTIGATOR… if everytime something happens, you scream or run.

    The fact that none of these people can seem to hold a camera still is insane. You saw the thing right there, why are you moving the camera everywhere else? If the damn thing kills you, GET IT ON CAMERA.

  3. Glowing eyes? Thats just the eyes reflecting the light from the guy recording. Also I don't think nuke understands the meaning of "elaborate hoax" 😂

  4. Once went to Goodwill to see if I could score some interesting low cost stuff. Someone there was putting out the most god awful smell I have ever encountered. Never going back.

  5. That dog wasn't coughing he was growling with a very light woof which can sound like a cough but it's just a very light growl and woof at the end. My dogs would do that when they were warning me about something.

  6. Well, this was a bountiful video, most of the time I am rolling my eyes, but when there is kids, that greatly improved the chance of it bein real, and dogs reacting to ghosts, that is a tell tell sign of the veracity of a vid

  7. In "The thing in the shed" I can guarantee you that's a "Jinn" as they have glowing eyes and they make the same sound. Anyone ever encountered a Jin will agree with me.

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