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Natural disasters are unforeseen events caused by nature for nature and usually cause great damage to humans, property and the environment. Examples of this are hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, forest fires and volcanic eruptions. These events can be reinforced by natural processes and by the influence of humans. It is important to prepare for possible natural disasters and take appropriate protective measures in order to minimize the effects.
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Go to one nation one power for the truth shalom
It is possible that those Solar Tornado was connected with those which happening in US ..?
It is possible that those Solar Tornado was connected with those which happening in USA ..?
I love the music on this video!
The entance of Michael, The Prince. That is what happened. The Book O f Daniel…"in the end, Michael will stand up.." .And as Surely As He Lives, Michael shall be TRIUMPHANT. A shofar blast.
Two suns – halo effect
Come Lord Jesus Come. Birthpains are getting harder, more destructive.
Other parts of the world have experienced historic catastrophies as well… Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil! 🙁
I love the "World of Signs" song…reminds me of Cocteau Twins…and Hammock! Did you compose and sing the song..?
That split sky in Florida is trippy
Wants happening has nothing to do with climate change. And everything to do with God being upset at the degeneracy and perversion happening in the world.
Hum … funny to see that it’s appeared just in US. So … what ?
Lord JESUS is coming soon. We are going HOME
Free Tibet 🎉
A tornado in OK is not a biblical sign
Ill tell ya whats happening is folks are playing GOD with the weather and someone is angry and doesn't like it!
Wait until we see what June and July bring! Unprecedented!
These disasters and calamities are part of the natural program of Earth.its always been going on, and always will. So are the other planets.
What I find weird is the “Jesus followers” who start acting like everyday weather or climate events are directly linked to scripture or prophecy lol.
God isn’t behind every weather event… you could start by learning how the earth weather works and its relationship with the Solar weather.
You won’t need your bible to figure out all that.
Hi Blessed Brother of "World of Signs". Thank you for your yes to GOD ALMIGHTY FATHER YHWH! HIS Works in and through you are very well received. Every piece of the puzzle adds to the picture.In the past I was able to contribute to your Works. I will again, but I've been put into "transition mode". Meaning that I have been without monetary income for the gap (2 months). But I'm supposed to start my new job this week so I will happily contribute again then. Until then, hope others are picking up the slack. Anyways, stay uo brother, Peace! And HalleluYAH!😊
Awesome capture 🎉🎉🎉
Guida will kill us all before she let us destroy her
ALL these catastrophes are engineered by HAARP! Look up online! Weather manipulation!
That lightening didn't come from the sky, it came out of the mountain.
That "sink hole" in Las Cruces, ha more like a tunnel cave in.
Yuppers, especially when people mock our Heavenly Abba
God is not mocked
Jesus Christ is Coming ✝️
Nibiru o planeta agente . Ele está causando tudo isso inclusive as explosões solares . O segundo sol
:47 usually lighting travels down not up to the clouds..
Keep burning fossil fuels with your big pickup trucks and these events will be stronger and more regular
A tornado, storm, sunset, avalanche, earthquake and clouds. Yeah, truly the end of the world. Like all these things were never been happening before for the billions, millions and hundreds of thousands of years.
Very impressive looking at the Sun footage, I've been telling everyone that I know, the Sun isn't the same as i remember when I was very young, just 30 seconds it's enough to feel the burning on the skin. The Book of Revelation says, one of God's wrath cup will be poured by an angel on the Sun and our star is going to burn 1/4 of the planet.
Oh, God please by your all beings please forgive us🙏
Can you give me the name/link of the song you used “world of signs”? Please??
Remember Palestine
Truman Show