My friends @samandcolby invited me to a haunted investigation in Pennsylvania & things went wrong..
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Thank you to the Dobbin House Tavern, Christina Rowand, and Tom Demko for the hospitality!
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Come to millsboro Delaware please because cause I want to see you and by the way this is my mom account because my phone died and ❤❤
Love the collabs with snc and faze❤
Why does he run like that I'm dieing from laughter 21:14
I been to Gettysburg n went on the battlefield n everything it’s so cool im planning go back again soon
anyone lese start rapping hamilton when they said 1776
Y’all’s friendship is so wholesome🥹, loved this!!
3:30 "Guess who are guest's are in the comments." * looks at thumbnail* Me: idk, Sam and colby? Da GOATS!!!
The team at Ghostly Images of Gettysburg is so nice 👏🏻
The trio is back!
(Ik I’m late😭)
What went wrong in the video? 😂
And clue
Congratulations colbyyyy!!!
19:20 in a few months😔😭😭
I love all Sam and Colby sm!!!!
U should go to Delaware there's some haunted places u got fort Delaware dead president tavern brick hotel on the circle Georgetown the green dover
Go to Australia please
I'm so glad that Colby is ok he is one of my favorite YouTubers alongside with Sam and rug
Lets go colby !!!!1 year 😆
Gettysburg is literally so random, I was literally born in Gettysburg, I live 20 minutes away
sam and colby 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉