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My name is Ike Stephens. I started driving a truck in 2002. I started making trucking videos in 2010. I’ve done everything from VLOGs to parodies.
Trucker Rag Chew | Trucker Rag Chew is mixture of Vlog, music, and opinion. It is one of the original VLOG style videos series in the YouTube Trucking genre.
Bonehead Truckers® | I am one of only people who will call out the bad things truckers do to ruin this industry. Bonehead Truckers® exposes the bad behavior of truck drivers.
Trucking Advice | Mixed is into the normal videos, I have been known to put out an occasional educational video. Even though I still have a lot to learn myself, the things I do talk about is stuff I’ve learned the hard way.
YouTube Live | I was one of the original content creators to do live content. I started on Ustream and when YouTube started the live interactive content, I was one of the first to participate.
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#trucking #fail #comedy
Hadn’t seen #1 but that was scary cute. I would never want to be in the situation that the flood guy was in and e that powerless
#10. If Joey Chitwood was a trucker.
#7 leads the pack. Mostly BHT of the year, he is certaily a jerk!
2A❤️🇺🇸❤️ Let’s go Brandon FJB !
❤️🇺🇸 Trump 2024 🇺🇸❤️
Now the truck streamer who drives for Western Express and talks about his corrections officer makes sense to me. lol
So why are you constantly talking about guys getting out of prison, maybe thise drivers are just fuckin stupid and don't know how to drive, not everyone thats done time drives truck. I say this because i have some buddys that have done time , and there not dumb. Just sayin, i like your channel but stop blaming shit on excons.
#3 is the best. I'll bet he did a little time.
Clip 7 has to be a prank. What purpose does using a squeegee on a fifth wheel serve, not to mention it's supposed to be covered in thick, heavy, grease. Gotta be a prank
Just more a hole truckers
#3 Takes the Trucker Hall of Shame Award .
Reminds me of the time Joe Biden tried to steal the election using court scams.
great job speaking clickity clack 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
unnecessary racist joke at 3:35 . keep it clean
What a great idea the guy washing his fith wheel with a squeegee. I know. They're so dirty and full of grease.
I wonder how some of these drivers get a CDL also. Especially when they can hardly speak English, which is supposed to be required to get a CDL. Not to mention that there’s no way they passed a driving test in the 1st place based on many years of experience myself, and being observant.
#3 for Tennessee.
I didn't know volvo made a u Boat.
People like #8 does not need to be behind a wheel of a truck
2:50 how appropriate for a company name…. Great Payne (pain) in the azz!
wonder if number 8 will ever grow up
Wow after all these year,s of hearing how they got their door,s blowed off I see now it was not just a trucker tale and that driver has a camera to prove it 😂😂😂😂