Well the shopping’s almost done
This looks like a lot of fun
We could really use this boat
If we ever need to float
Maybe they should go back in
Because clouds are rolling in
Water comes with a splash
As the family makes a dash
Everyone climb up here
Help is coming, have no fear
This is a total pain
Please save us from the rain
A life vest for you and you
Yes yes this will do
Now the kids can be collected
That was really unexpected
Well this isn’t very fun
Climb up here everyone
Daddy tries to save the day
But Lion Cub gets swept away!
He lets out a sad roar
And gets washed into the store
This boat is pretty spiffy
Rescue my family in a jiffy
Here comes Captain Cub
Into the boat fluffy bub
Lion cub, king of the sea
We’re finally saved Yipeee
Now that this one is done
Off to find some more fun