15 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Leave Your Brain Dead

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15 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Leave Your Brain Dead

This original work of horror promises to keep you looking over your shoulder.

Inspired by r/nosleep, these scary videos will scare you in a way you’ll be begging for more.

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#scaryvideos #caughtoncamera #thehaunter


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About the Author: The Haunter


  1. No way I would of gotten out of the truck. They could of kept making noises. Plus number 10, the dude staying in the abandoned mining community looked like he found a room with two doors with locks on the doors. He should of barricaded himself (grabbing wood from surrounding area) to wedge between the two doors and call it a night. Who cares what's downstairs as long as it can't come in lol.

  2. Even though I am a skeptic and every video can be explained, I still always hit the like button because it takes lots of time and effort to put all these videos together for our entertainment.

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