7 SCARY Videos You Shouldn’t Watch in the Dark – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.
In this episode of 7 scary videos, you will see: 7 SCARY Videos You Shouldn’t Watch in the Dark! These include; A scary video of camping gone wrong when a camper has a terrifying encounter while alone in a haunted forest. Scary paranormal activity is caught on video inside the infamously haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, Texas when a group of friends provoke the spirits. A creepy tiktok video shows a rather scary moment when a woman records a scary face over her own while she records a selfie video. A scary video of a janitor who gets the fright of his life while working the nightshift at a haunted school. Plus more scary things in this weeks episode of 7 SCARY Videos You Shouldn’t Watch in the Dark
00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 7 SCARY Videos You Shouldn’t Watch in the Dark
26:31 – Outro
MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!
7 SCARY Videos You Shouldn’t Watch in the Dark
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If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR https://youtu.be/dRKE0xpbt3U
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Are you watching these 7 SCARY Videos in the dark? 😨😨
Abandoned church clip (with a scared dog)….2 long & super boring…sorry!
dude needs to stop staring at the moon
Face by the moon…..😂😂😂😂
After the girl was yanked then the guy pushed if you look where he was after running out whats that shadow person or whatever did you see it or am i trippin!!!❤️🔥👊
I've seen that face by the moon in another video, with another source, I think… ?v=6nuGRAFQmeM
yeah, that is wild, it is the same face….
het is bewerkt beeld als je goed kijkt is het een pop achter de maan dus nep
Something supernatural smoking a cigerette??
I like the draco the dogoo❤❤❤😂🎉😢😮
Very good , my friend you are the best ❤️🔥 🇮🇷 ❤️🔥
Lies caught on kamrah… truth caught on kamrah…. stuff caught on kamrah…. kamrah caught on kamrah
Can’t help but wonder if vid 7 is the same thing that happened in a true story told by MrBallen.
1st vid: 'Some say it was something evil not of this world', (who smokes Pall Mall filter) lol
Thank you so much 💕 mr mind for all your videos and this is amazing I subscribed right way 😊😊 am so happy
That's why you bring a gun
In the school video why does the weight on the bottom of balloon look blurred out when it comes out to corridor? Reminds me of IT 🎈🎈🎈
I would of yelled and scared them away
The videos of your channel are used in Persian language supernatural channels
Your channel has many fans in Iran
Thank you for the Farsi subtitles
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Thank you for the Persian subtitles❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Im a bit confused as to why people whisper when they hear people near them I'd just add captions uk so as to not draw attention to myself
I don't believe the janitor would be allowed to work alone for safety reasons. And the balloon could easily be pulled along by a thread. The face by the moon looks fake like a picture beside a flashlight.
11.22 What you've discovered is that a phone camera isn't capable of dealing with fast sideways panning in low light thus creating a lag where your face looks slightly transparent and the camera distorts the images into one at times because it can't cope with the amount of data it's supposed to be processing in such a short space of time, There's nothing spooky about that, apart from the effect.
The dog didn't want to come in because he told it to 'stay'.
Whatever 'it' was in the abandoned house, 'it' was probably 'a person', maybe even 'a homeless person'?
Face next to the moon is also a face next to a flashlight.
Oh no, don't tell me, it's not the mega reposted haunted red balloon (again), is it?
On every channel, these oft recycled videos are all getting so tediously puerile that it's not even worth watching anymore.
abandoned house. again. quit filming on potato's.
'face on the moon" and all the rest of ya. 1- get a camera that is NOT 90 years old. 2- look for LOGICAL answers first before you go crazy with "I cant explain it, there for no one can". your not that smart.
Mothernature333. video errors due to bad camera in super low light.
We were just out camping this last weekend. bunch of drunk/drugged ravers partying on the other side of the hill. fortunately we were heavily armed. Ghost? silly and entertaining. PEOPLE? can be terrifying.
If I'm out in the woods, you can believe one thing I'm going to have me something to keep me safe, my Smith and Wesson .
eminem's face😂
The Haunting of Hill House is not based on Hill House in Texas. It's based very loosely on the novel of the same name by Shirley Jackson.
This a re-upload?
Another great compilation! That balloon video gives me chills every time… fake or real, it’s terrifying!
The Haunted Hill House in Mineral Springs is a crazy place, though it has nothing to do with the movies and series which are based on a book written in 1959 (the same year one of the spirits that supposedly haunt the Mineral Springs location died), and are believed to be inspired by the Winchester Mystery House.
What I don't understand is why people that go camping solo don't take a firearm. That's common sense.
im sorry dude in the first video is so dumb he said im leaving but leave my stuff alone lol wtf
IF YOU ARE TALKING IN A TENT, THEY WILL HEAR YOU. This is why I don't believe any of these tent videos. Even if you're whispering, you're in a tent. So stupid.
I think this commentary is garbage. Why can’t you find some decent creepy videos?
So my question with all these camping videos where someone starts walking around the tent……..don't they hear these people talking to the camera?
Really enjoy your channel.
Awesome video.
Thanks for your hard work.
Respect 🙏🏼 🩶
Are you serious? The Haunting of Hill House was a novel by Shirley Jackson. It was a movie in the 60s. The TV series was NOT based on anything that actually happened.
i'm in need of new content!
Tha stalking balloon …… wtf? 😄🤔
❤video hi from Croatia
And yet men are still asking why we'd still choose the bear! 🤷♀️🤦♀️
bro is filming a garden statue with a lantern and calling it the moon.
Dudes not filming the moon; just a flashlight and his own face.