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For today’s video I went in the Sniper Only Mode in Black Ops Cold War and used the Unreleased Scythe Melee Weapon and Trolled Call of Duty players hard 😂 Since it hasn’t technically been released in game yet it hasn’t been restricted in this mode and players get so angry about it lol. Hopefully you guys enjoy! Drop a like down below if you do 👍
I TERRORIZED Call of Duty SNIPERS and they got so ANGRY lol
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#Warzone #CallofDuty #TKO
You seen this kid in this game using melee cod sniper
Me:using melee in codm
ikilledyou gets a quad feed.
I’m about to end this little shit’s whole career.
ikilledyou: “YOU’RE NOT GOOD!!”
Yeah. He’s gooder.
I feel like they could have just ran iron sights or no sights on the sniper to counter the melee, but I don’t know if you can in this COD. Anyway amazing video man! Keep it up!
what kind of mae lae is that
I would just laugh instead of screaming in rage if you melee me because getting melee out of no where and struggling to avoid melees brings me laughs because how intense it is
Please add me my name is Sharkboy2011785
I seen you in Call of Duty can you please add me? My name is Sharkboy2011785
6:42 that's it officer, we got him
yes about time the snippers get some pay back! Punish them!!
This is 2024 please bring back this this weapon
That reminds of the days of blackxworm.
What there's scythes on cod
Why they all use sniper? Is this a sniper only game mode?
Such a shame they took everything away from me 🙁
6:04 did you see what’s in his hand
I think funny how the bitch about you meleeing calling you not good but they can’t even kill you 😂😂😂
The scythe animation is dope
Oh god i am first time here and omg i love this scythe! Gorgeous!
I hate snipers in call of duty so this was pretty funny. Seems unfair that you can one shot anyone at any time. Gives us rifle users little time or chance to get kills. Not saying i dont have a skill issue but its pretty frustrating. Same thing with the crossbow.
This was funny and reminds me of the good old days in call of duty when we would hear people rage 😂
wtf was that at 3:38 😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😂😅😂
Tbh I wouldn’t be angry I would prob ask how he got that melee
“You’re not good bruh”
This from the kid who is one of many people who just spams slide, bunny hops, and hard scopes around corners
You can still use it today
LOL the squeakers. It was funny back in the late 2000s. Still hell funny now.
6:40 it’s so easy to what 🤨
I just love the sound of rage
You're sadistic asf and I love it
Yuh when bro said im gooder than you it got me dying laughing bro
That is why i keep a melle weapon as a sniper 😅